Menstruation is both a boon and a bane, depending on a lot of factors in a woman’s life. From hygiene to pain, and even period stigma that’s common in many cultures, not every woman is comfortable having periods, given levels of pain and other medical issues. That said, new research into menstruation is not only showing menstrual blood to be an invaluable diagnostic tool, but also highlighting the bright side of being on your period. Here are some surprising results.
Research shows that a tall, handsome man is what women prefer most, but in essence, what women actually want is a man who looks proud, powerful, and moody. This might signify a taller man, as shorter men may not look like the attractive “bad boys” from the movies. However, shorter men actually can offer way more advantages than you might think.
For every child, vocabulary and sentence structure are very important in the early years of development. One of the best ways to engage them in a deeper and more meaningful conversation is to start talking with them using detailed answers. Even researchers have pinpointed that working on developing better speech patterns helps children to become more successful in school.
The bromance between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck was so well-known that it inspired an off-Broadway play called Matt and Ben. There’s even such a thing as Bromance Day, which is sometime in July or August! Even then, bromance is still more relevant than we might think, because a study found that men find more emotional satisfaction in their bromance than in their romantic relationships.
Though we marry “for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,” it turns out that choosing the right life partner might help you succeed. Barack Obama, for example, attributes his political success to his wife. And science has finally explained that those are not just empty words.
Recent studies show that intelligence is actually inherited from mothers, so maybe it’s time to stop believing some of the gender stereotypes that have existed for centuries. Bright Side invites you to go through the results of the research and to find out who you should thank for your good grades and brilliant ideas.
Many of us have that one feature we often scrutinize. For Devyn Aiken, it was her nose. She stated, “I have self love but I want a nose job.” After years of saving over $11,000, she finally reached her goal.At 30, Aiken underwent a rhinoplasty that transformed her look. But, what she didn’t expect was just how the change went beyond her physical appearance.
The role grandparents play in a family is priceless—they offer valuable life lessons and guidance to both their children and grandkids. But research has also revealed that their presence is especially important for a mother’s mental well-being.
Relationships are complex, and while some warning signs of potential breakups are well-known, others are less obvious yet equally telling. Here are several unconventional indicators that your relationship might be on shaky ground.
The stress of going through a job interview can sometimes lead to slip-ups. But don’t worry—we’ve put together some helpful interview tips to boost your chances of securing that job offer. A little strategy can go a long way in making a great impression on potential employers.
Just like how unique and different humans are with their quirks, animals possess their unique abilities as well. With the fascinating phenomena in nature, one can wonder if animals with superpowers exist. Indeed, they do, the following incredible animal abilities serve as nature’s innovation that scientists are eager to study and replicate.
Ever since childhood, Devyn Aiken felt like her nose was the first thing people noticed—and not in a way that made her feel good. For years, she dreamed about changing it, wondering how different life could be.Now, at 30, that dream has become a reality. After spending more than a decade saving $11,000 for a rhinoplasty, Devyn has undergone the transformation she always longed for. But what she didn’t expect was just how much the change would impact her beyond the mirror.
For many people, talking to their bosses about a pay raise can be a real challenge. Ideally, management itself should reward employees if those do a great job, but this practice is not so common in companies. We’ve put together some tips to help you talk to your boss about a salary increase in a way that keeps everyone happy.
We all make bad decisions sometimes, due to impaired judgment, or sometimes under the influence of others. The problem with making bad decisions is that they come with consequences that can put your mental and physical health at risk, not to mention career and financial wellness. Here are such examples of taking a wrong decision at a wrong time, and how the people lived with the consequences. That being said, a strong support system and faith in yourself can bring out of the deepest, darkest holes, so remember to believe in yourself and stay tough.
We are used to the fact that in movies people of various professions look like from the cover of a fashion magazine — they are stylish, sophisticated and wear tight clothes. However, real life is far from this glossy image. Movies sometimes embellish reality, creating ideal stereotypes. And all this leads to the fact that we have a completely wrong idea of these professions.
Mansplaining is something many of us may have come across, at some point in our careers. Usually, it happens to women, although the term itself simply means when someone tries to explain something to another person, in a derogatory and condescending manner. Something similar happened to this 33-year-old Reddit user, with a huge twist in her story, which saw her getting even with her mansplainer! This is how it all unraveled.
Air travel is no stranger to uncomfortable situations, but this one struck a nerve. A passenger recently shared their experience of paying $80 for a seat, only to find themselves next to a mother with a crying baby who had been moved into the premium section for free. The incident raises valid questions about fairness and the inconsistency of airline policies.
Ah, the classic “I love you.” It’s the gold standard of romance, the phrase that makes hearts flutter and rom-com scripts soar. But wait—could it actually be... too much of a good thing? Relationship coach Jon Dillow seems to think so, and he’s stirring the pot on TikTok with his spicy take.
In a world where we often pursue success and material possessions, the true worth of family stands out above all else. Family is our foundation, offering unconditional love, support, and a sense of belonging. Today, we invite you to explore real stories that highlight the strength of family bonds—stories that touch the soul in ways that no movie ever could.
Beauty is usually subjective, but research shows it combines shared standards and personal preferences. While many agree on what’s attractive, individual tastes still influence what we find beautiful.
Logan Pacl is no ordinary teenager. At 17, he battles a rare, devastating condition known as Sanfilippo syndrome. It's a cruel disorder often dubbed "childhood Alzheimer's" for the heartbreaking way it robs children of their cognitive abilities, just as Alzheimer's does to the elderly. Imagine the unthinkable—watching your child’s memories fade, their development unravels, right before your eyes.
More and more people are choosing to have tattoos these days for personal expression and meaning. Explore the motivations behind getting inked and what you should consider before getting one yourself.
Believe it or not, most people in the US have never eaten real wasabi. But that’s just the beginning. Scientists have also uncovered fascinating insights into how whales sing, how elephants recognize each other’s names, and much more. Today, we’ve got these mind-shattering facts covered for our beloved readers.
Researchers have found that girls can start their periods early for a variety of reasons. A recent study reveals that children are beginning their periods at younger ages, and the time it takes for their cycles to become regular is also shifting.
People tend to judge women who become moms later in life. But recent studies have shown that women who give birth in their 40s are more likely to live to 100. Turns out, there’s a clear link between taking your time to become a parent and longevity, and medical experts are breaking down the details.
Ah, the thrill of the crush. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, the world seems brighter, and suddenly that stranger across the room becomes the center of your universe. But for many, these fleeting infatuations become less frequent as we age. Is it simply a case of fading enthusiasm, or is there something more at play?
In a medical breakthrough that has astounded the world, a 13-year-old boy, Lucas Jemeljanova, has become the first person ever to be cured of a lethal brain cancer known as diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). This remarkable achievement has ignited hope for countless individuals battling this rare and aggressive form of cancer.
In the vast realm of parenting, where advice often flows like a river, there are occasional stories that make you pause and say, “Wait, what?” One such tale involves the adventurous duo, Montana Lower and Tom Linwood, who made headlines by introducing their 2-week-old baby to the world of diaper-free living through the elimination communication method.
How do you do your research on Amazon? Do you simply see the stars and descriptions and make a purchase, or do you go deep into reviews? If you prefer the latter, you will definitely love these 30 before and after images that best depict the abilities of certain products.
In the grand tapestry of Hollywood’s glamorous narrative, a compelling subplot emerges that transcends the silver screen—a saga marked by resilience, courage, and an unforeseen twist of fate. Michael J. Fox, an iconic figure in the dazzling constellation of stars, found himself navigating uncharted territories, far from the meticulously crafted scripts of Hollywood studios. His journey, unlike the carefully orchestrated plots of his cinematic counterparts, took an unexpected turn—one that led him into the heart of a 32-year battle against Parkinson’s disease.
In an age where it’s normal to hold open discussions about body positivity and gender equality, it’s not uncommon for individuals in relationships to encounter disagreements about personal preferences, especially when it comes to something as personal as body hair. Recently, a woman shared her experience regarding her boyfriend’s dislike for female body hair, sparking a debate that highlights the complexities of modern relationships and societal standards. Let’s delve into this issue and explore the various responses it has generated.
How many times have you gone back home to check if you’ve locked the door? This is one of the many security concerns we all have from time to time and while it’s difficult to get rid of them, there are ways to help tone your anxiety down. That’s why we did a thorough research and found 15 products that will give you a peace of mind while you’re at home or travelling.
There are many reasons a trip can be uncomfortable and filled with stress and one main concern is the feeling of not being well-prepared. In some cases, people don’t have the things they need or the things that will make life easier for them. That’s why we did some research and found 10 products that can give you some peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to worry about certain things.
Shake up your routine while solving your daily dilemmas. And these clever products can surely help you with that. Nothing could ever be perfect, though. And the world’s oldest known customer complaint (which, by the way, dates back to ancient Babylon) only proves that. So we’ve prepared the ultimate research, laying out the pros and cons of these gems, leaving it for you to decide!
What would the Earth look like if it was born in another stellar system? I did a little research for you to find out. And the results were surprisingly wholesome! There are some warm tropics, strong winds, and... giant dragonflies. But okay, let me explain from the very beginning. Since 1995, NASA has discovered more than 4,100 planets outside the Solar System [exoplanets]. Unfortunately, most of them are either flying ice balls like Neptune or gas giants like Jupiter. But there are still as many as 161 planets similar to our Earth! And one of them is very close to us — in the Centauri constellation. There are three stars in this constellation.
In the realm of parenthood, countless studies have explored the impact of children on their parents’ lives. However, a recent groundbreaking study has shed light on a captivating and unexpected phenomenon: the potential influence of having sons on the aging process of moms and dads.