If you have ever looked into a boxer’s eyes, you know that it is absolutely impossible not to love this adorable creature! Boxers rank as one of the most popular dog breeds in the world! And it’s not surprising: they’re fun, non-agressive, smart, and probably the most faithful friends a human could have!
We at Bright SIde are in love with boxers and have collected 30+ photos that will immediately make you a true boxer lover.
1. “Oops, it seems I’ve broken my boxer.”
2. “My friend’s dog is not happy about leaving the dog park early.”
3. “Our boxer puppy laying on our adult boxer, updated.”
4. She’s waiting for her water aerobics class to begin.
5. Her butt looks like a cartoon nerd.
7. “I’m dogsitting the weirdest dog ever. Every time I glance at him, he’s got a new pose for me.”
8. This boxer bouncing through some winter snow
9. “Nothing weird, just my doggo watching the fish.”
10. It’s just his lifestyle.
11. “We’re gonna need a bigger seat.”
12. “Jessie doesn’t like to share with her sister.”
13. “It’s behind me, isn’t it?”
14. Hmm...is it 1 or 2 dogs?
15. “No Dad, it’s Saturday. You can’t go to work.”
16. “Poor humans, they are so weird.”
17. “My boxer’s awkward moment”
18. What a happy marriage really looks like:
19. “Things got a little weird after you left...”
20. Boxers are supposedly a smart breed...
21. “The cutest thing I’ve ever seen”
22. That looks like a dog with purpose.
23. “Lucy always knows when it’s time for cooking.”
25. Sometimes boxers are jerks, but we can’t help but love them!
26. Nothing else matters when a boxer is happy you’re coming home.
27. “Oakley is a good boy. A drooly one sure, but a good boy.”
28. “Look, Mom, I’m a rider!”
29. “Our boxer dog meeting our adorable newborn baby for the first time”
30. “He doesn’t realize he’s not a puppy anymore...”
31. It’s official, boxers can sleep at absolutely any time, any place.
Do you have a boxer at your house? What do you like the most about this breed? Tell us in the comment section below!