10+ Rare Body Features That You Might Have

3 years ago

Some people have really long legs, and others were born with bright red hair. If you don’t have either of these features, do not despair. You likely have some other unique features you don’t yet know about.

At Bright Side, we learned about rare body features that make their owners really unique.


Diastema is often called a tooth gap. Many celebrities have made this feature their trademark. And it really makes a person unique, with 1.6% to 25.4% of adults from various age groups and populations having it.

Arch fingerprints

Loops are the most common fingerprint pattern, occurring in 65% of people. 30% of the world’s population has a pattern in the form of a whorl. And only 5% of people have an arch fingerprint pattern.

Outie belly button

Only 10 out of 100 people have such a navel. It’s believed that the process of severing the umbilical cord doesn’t affect the shape of the belly button, it depends on other factors.

Simian crease

A deep transverse line, which extends across the entire palm, is present in only 1.5% of people. This feature occurs more often in men and is usually inherited.

Gray eyes

This eye color is one of the rarest. There are only 3% of gray-eyed people, which is 3 times less than the number of blue-eyed people.

Green eyes

Only 2 out of every 100 people sport green eyes. And that’s because green isn’t a predominant color and will lose the battle with brown eyes in most cases. However, if both parents have green eyes, the possibility of the child having green eyes as well is very high.

The lack of the palmaris longus muscle

Approximately 14% of the population doesn’t have this muscle. The fact is that this is a rudimentary part of the body, the need for which has disappeared in the process of evolution. So the absence of the palmaris longus muscle doesn’t affect the work of the forearm in any way.

Fair hair

Blonde hair is highly related to the amount of sunlight exposure, and the less sunlight a country has, the more blonde people will be born there. For example, in countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, about 80% of the population is blonde.

The lack of wisdom teeth

Approximately 5% to 37% of people don’t have wisdom teeth from birth. These teeth likely don’t appear because they are not needed anymore. Our ancestors needed them to chew rough and hard foods, such as roots, leaves, nuts, and meat.

Many taste buds on the tongue

1/4 of the world’s population boasts an improved sense of taste. This is all because they have a lot of taste buds on the tongue. Approximately the same number of people, on the contrary, have a decreased sense of taste, as they have fewer taste buds.

Double crown

Most people have only one clockwise hair whorl. A double crown is much rarer, occurring in just 5 out of every 100 people. And if both whorls are directed counterclockwise, this makes the person even more unique.


Less than 1% of people have eyes of different colors. Interestingly, heterochromia can be partial: when part of the iris in one eye differs in color from the rest of the iris of the same eye.

A tiny extra hole in the ear

0.1% to 5% of people in different parts of the world have a tiny extra hole in their ears. It’s believed to be an evolutionary remnant of fish gills, but this theory still has no scientific confirmation.

Morton’s toe

There are people whose second toe is longer than the first one. 3% to 22% of people have this feature. Scientist Dudley Joy Morton, after whom the syndrome was named, believed that the long second toe was an atavism that reminds us of pre-human grasping toes.

Do you have any of these features? Tell us in the comments below.


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