For all of dads and moms that love to stay home to take care of their loved ones.....
16 People Whose Life Got Exciting Out of the Blue
2 years ago
Surprises are small doses of shock that make us focus our full attention on a specific thing or incident. They make our curiosity grow and make us want to know more about what we’re seeing. The most amazing thing is that our emotions intensify by 400% when we get surprises, so it’s no wonder people love this feeling.
Bright Side can’t get enough of these little surprises that are everywhere around us as long as we keep our eyes open.
1. “My gardening tool kit came with a claw glove.”
2. “I think these guys are up to no good.”
3. “A piece of ice cream dropped from my spoon as I was scooping and it looks like a tiny shark.”
4. A professional mirror repair
5. “The day I opened my bedroom window and almost died of cardiac arrest.”
6. “I found a 6 inch banana.”
7. “Had to do a double take.”
8. “Neighbor randomly showed up with 20 lbs of bologna.”
9. “A little kid came into my store this morning and built a cheese house.”
10. “I asked him what was wrong and he said, ’I can’t.’”
11. “You’ve goat to be kidding me.”
12. “Little bee standing on his tippy toes for a drink.”
13. “Of all the days to see this plate.”
14. “Here’s a new friend I found, his name’s Jeremy.”
15. “Mando having a ruff day on-site, stabilizing the ladder for dad”
16. “Duck on a tree”
Have you ever experienced a small, yet significant surprise that gave your day a much-needed lift?
Preview photo credit tyap41790 / reddit
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The bee was cute but the last pic had me laugh, the duck was resting of a beautiful bush of Azaleas
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