19 Remedies for a Bad Mood, AKA Good News From Internet Users

3 years ago

Bad news tends to spread faster, according to research. And we can confirm this thanks to personal experience. It’s way easier to come across something negative on the Internet rather than find a reason to smile. But we tried our best and discovered a whopping 19 pieces of good news from people who couldn’t be any happier.

We at Bright Side are positivity chasers. And we believe that the whole world needs to stop for a while and boost their moods with joyful vibes from strangers.

1. “Today my daughter is 5 years cancer-free! I took this photo to commemorate washing away 5 years.”

2. “My brother graduated high school today and looks so proud and happy! He also happens to be autistic.”

3. “After seeing these signs for months, I finally found some good news on my walk today!”

4. “This is my mom. She spent the past 23 years at home raising 6 kids, one with Down’s. Today, she got signed on as the lead singer in a cover band!”

5. “This is Mikey, he’s a regular at the Down Under Bar. Last night, the whole bar staff put their money together to buy him a new walker.”

6. “Just got my braces off. Biggest smile I’ve had in a while.”

7. “5 years ago, this little girl entered my life. She came out 2 months early, weighing just 4.25 lb. Last month she celebrated her fifth birthday.”

8. “A brain tumor left me legally blind, but now I’m proud to say I’m OFFICIALLY a comic book artist!”

9. “Today I’m celebrating 7 years of sobriety!”

10. “My aunt took a stand against the rest of our homophobic family.”

11. “My birthday was always the most depressing time of the year for me. Last night, my friends threw me a surprise party and showered me with love.”

12. “I beat my depression today and saw a pretty waterfall.”

13. “My little brother’s high school hosted a dance for students with special needs. He had a blast!”

14. “My movie comes out in theaters today. I spent every day since I was 12 waiting for today.”

15. “After 6 months of being homeless and jobless, I now have a new apartment, car, and job in a call center. And I did it on my own. So proud of myself.”

16. “My dad, earning his bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, at 62 years young — he’s so happy and I’m so proud.”

17. “We can finally go to Disney World and actually ride the rides.”

18. “I married my best friend this weekend.”

19. “A good friend, Dani, showing off her beautiful hair growth after experiencing 6+ years of alopecia. Slowly but surely.”

Do you have good news to share? What good thing happened to you recently? Tell others about it in the comments.

Preview photo credit c3phope / Reddit


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This is great and give me motivation to keep going. Who am I to slack off while others are fighting to get what I just got for well being born ;D


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