20+ Extremely Talented People Who’ve Taken Handcrafting to a Whole New Level

3 years ago

Handcrafting is kind of like magic. In the beginning, you just have a pile of boards or a piece of cloth, and then — voilà! A beautiful house or an astonishing dress, like from a Disney movie. Today, on the internet, there are many ideas for how to do something with your own hands, but not everyone can do this. It takes skill, desire, time, patience, and inspiration... And that’s how true masterpieces are created — these Reddit users know this better than anyone else.

Here at Bright Side we adore people who create amazing things with their own hands, and what we love even more is to share their art with you!

1. “I built a backyard treehouse!”

2. “I made this Dumbledore art quilt using scraps from my fabric stash.”

3. “My mom is learning how to sew. This chair-cover cooking set is her latest creation.”

4. Incredible wood sculptures!

5. “I turned some unused circuit-boards into a map.”

6. “I built this for a family in Columbus, but I’m 100% going to build a full-sized one as my next house.”

7. An absolute fairytale-inspired handmade dress

8. “The bridge, another cat tree I just finished”

9. “Hand embroidery inspired by van Gogh”

10. “Santa’s Lock Box, a gift for my sister, who loves escape rooms, but hasn’t been able to do any lately.”

11. “I finally finished my giant stained glass hippo and I’m dying because it looks so good!”

12. “I made a trash fort with a green roof.”

13. “I have now spent over 100 hours on it, finally finished!”

14. I repainted a cabinet that I got for free!

15. “My first self-made bookshelf insert. It‘s not perfect, but I love looking at it.”

16. “My parents planted an apple-tree when I was born. Sadly, the tree died a few weeks ago, so I made a bookshelf out of it.”

17. “I made Dani from the movie Midsommar!”

18. “Made a wood resin comb, inspired by Patronus.”

19. “Finally finished Homer descending into French knots!”

20. “I made sleeping Bengal Kitties out of glass.”

21. “I really wanted wallpaper in our bathroom, but I couldn’t afford it. So I painted it!”

22. “My wife asked for a gold bicycle. I bought an old ’70s Ross kids bike and turn it into a low rider.”

23. “I built my daughter a loft bed for her 6th birthday!”

24. “Yesterday my little brother got married and it wasn’t your typical wedding. So I made him an atypical accessory: an embroidered pocket beagle. He loved it!”

Are you into handcrafting? We’d be happy to see your crafts in the comments below!

Preview photo credit exhaustedoctopus / reddit


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