20 Pure Pics That Can Soothe Even the Toughest Souls

3 years ago

Watching images and cute videos of animals can reduce stress levels by up to 50% — that’s a fact. When we feel a little bit blue, all we need is a cute cat picture or a feel-good story to instantly make us feel better and look at life in a more positive way. Lucky for you, we found some pictures that can soothe the toughest souls, so get ready to receive some happiness.

Here at Bright Side, we’ve put together a collection of happy moments from people’s lives, and we hope they’ll make you smile and make your day better.

1. “My old pets watching the sunrise together this morning”

2. “My baby daughter looking at a robin”

3. “Caught this absolute angel begging for treats”

4. “A large piece I recently finished — glad to share it with you all!”

5. “My senior(ish) dog can’t swim by himself anymore so I carry him while he takes a dip.”

6. “It’s finally happening! Can’t wait to take the big leap!”

7. “Our cat had kittens 2 days after we had our baby girl. I think these 2 were destined to be best buds.”

8. “My 93-year-old grandpa and his best friend”

9. “20 years of love”

10. “My mom has been fighting liver issues tirelessly with hopes to be able to live to hold her grandbaby! Today was the day that she was finally able to!”

11. “His first spring!”

12. “I participated in my first craft fair today, and I’m so proud of myself!”

13. “This guy got no-shows for 3 different adoption days. When we met, he climbed right into my lap and I fell in love. Meet Winston!”

14. “My girlfriend is very excited to show you all her new artwork, Rosa Luna.”

15. “My boyfriend and I just picked up our little rescue kitten, and I can’t tell who’s happier! Meet Frog!”

16. “Hey human, why are you always taking pics of me?”

17. “My fortune finally came true!”

The note reads: “The love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly!”

18. “Cat photo session”

19. “Our daughter’s reaction to learning the puppy wasn’t just a foster...”

20. “Hot Lava is really into his new roommate.”

Which moment was your favorite? Do you have a special soothing picture you’d like to share with us?

Preview photo credit TMK602 / Reddit


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#19 bright tears to my eyes (while I don’t get that thing of public proposing).


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