21 Ronaldos of the Relationship World Who Can Tell You All About “Couple Goals”

3 years ago

Each couple has their own secret to a happy relationship. Whether it’s a boyfriend who makes fun of a big height difference or a husband who isn’t afraid to try on a cheerleading costume, these 21 pairs can give entire lectures on how to be supportive, funny, and loving.

We at Bright Side believe that with a sense of humor this good, these couples will surely have their “happily ever after.”

1. "Told my husband I would only wear this again if he did first. He just said, ’Checkmate!"’

2. “I sneakily got my boyfriend to make a hand turkey, and now I know his gloves will fit!”

3. This guy was constantly standing on his tippy toes to be taller than his girlfriend.

4. The art of compromise

“She wanted a puppy, I didn’t. So we compromised and got a puppy.”

5. “My girlfriend asked me to take a picture of us on our hike.”

6. A surprise is waiting for someone.

7. This man sure knows how to be supportive!

“#1 Most patient. Awarded to Bubblegum. The most patient adjuster for 2020! Great job, baby girl!!”

8. “My wife bought this. Perhaps this explains why we’re still married after more than 27 years.”

9. “Today is my twenty-fifth birthday. My husband is a pastry chef and made me a cake!”

10. “Put on my ’dad uniform’ and began the journey of fatherhood! I had to use my dad’s actual shoes.”

11. “Proposed to the love of my life! He said yes!”

12. “My wife gave me the best Christmas gift ever!”

13. “Tried my hand at baking a birthday cake for my wife.”

14. This man had to travel without his wife and didn’t enjoy a single second of it.

15. Look twice — no, this man isn’t pregnant. He’s just warming a freezing girlfriend.

16. “My buddy’s girlfriend farted in front of him for the first time. He got a cake for the occasion.”

17. “My wife left me a surprise on the kitchen counter.”

18. How to get a wife in 2 easy steps

19. “My wife looked so obnoxiously thin 24 hours after delivery that I joked I looked like the one who had just delivered.”

20. Taking pictures together isn’t as simple as it seems.

21. “This was my husband’s reaction as I walked down the aisle. It was the first time I’d ever seen him cry.”

Which couples amazed you the most? Do you have similar photos or stories with your significant other? We’d love to hear about them!

Preview photo credit acoolbeancounter / reddit


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