25 Photos That’ll Fool Your Eyes Better Than David Copperfield

4 years ago

There are times when you point your camera to take a shot thinking that you will capture something special, but in the end you get twice the magic you expected. Even taking a simple selfie with your dog or parrot can turn into something entirely different.

We at Bright Side want to share these photos with you so that you can have some fun too. It’s time for some magic.

1. I didn’t know that this beach had magical properties.

2. Can you hold this for me, please?

3. I don’t remember adding flour to this basket.

4. I’ve never seen a chihuahua like this one.

5. Minecraft in real life

6. What a luxurious birdbath!

7. Hello Mr. Crow, how did you like the game?

8. Look at my second face:

9. The giraffes will have a new friend now.

10. Mustache looks good on her:

11. Is this a glitch in the Matrix code?

12. We would love to have a floating trash can.

13. I don’t think ice cream is allowed in class.

14. Cow-incidence

15. The magic cat:

16. When the universe sends you a sign:

17. They are probably heading home from the hairstylist.

18. What a beautiful smile!

19. Alien bird

20. Take cover... giant pigeons are coming.

21. I have 2 dogs, but I can’t find the other one.

22. I feel safe now... Spiderman is everywhere.

23. Reflections are always magical.

24. He’s gonna have a hard time carrying that book.

25. When you see it... Even news anchors are creating illusions now.

Have you ever taken a photo and realized that something else was happening? Share your photo with us and tell us which photo you liked the most from our collection.


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The girl with the dog face is me all the time haha. I think my dog hates already...


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