20 People Who Used to Have to Loosen Their Belts, but Now Proudly Show Off Their Glowing Bodies

4 years ago

Every journey starts with a single step. Losing those extra pounds may take a lot of hard work, but with enough dedication (and maybe not eating our favorite sweets every day), we can actually achieve it. These people are proof that we can remove the X’s in our lives, even if they’re just in the sizes of our outfits.

Bright Side would like to share photos of these people who defied expectations and are now filled with confidence.

1. “Countless hours in the gym and dieting”

2. This achievement only took less than a year!

3. He went from 500 lbs to 199 lbs!

4. “My progress from nearly 2 years of being on this journey”

5. “Left is from February. Right is from September.”

6. “My shirt size went from a 3XL to a small!”

7. Same shirt, different body.

8. How do you like her now?

9. 2 different wedding occasions

10. “I don’t count calories, I’m just conscious of my food choices.”

11. “My uncle could barely get his arm around me before.”

12. Look at her progress, one year later!

13. “It took a lot of eggs and a ton of plants.”

14. “I’ve gone from not being able to run to running/walking 3 miles a day!”

15. Taking pictures to check your progress is important.

16. The scrubs she wears went from size 3XL down to a medium!

17. “Never give up on yourself and believe that you can do it.”

18. “If I can keep going (and I’m a fiend for sweets) anyone can do it.”

19. “I started at 526 lbs, and I’m now 276 lbs.”

20. “Went from wearing a size 7XLT shirt to small/mediums.”

What weight loss technique works the best for you? How do you take care of your health?

Preview photo credit tankdalton64 / reddit


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this is the biggest motivation. I also try to lose some quarantine weight and sometimes I lose my motivation and just think "what's this all about anyway"
but seeing these people makes me happy and want to keep moving on


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