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10 Cool Things From Amazon That Save Money on Spas
Today, technology allows you to get rid of skin problems or enjoy a massage without leaving your home. Treat yourself to bliss after a hard day with these cool items from Amazon.
We at Bright Side invite you to take care of yourself with this collection of gadgets for relaxation and health.
1. Facial steam sauna for deep home cleansing
Nano-ion steam penetrates deep into the skin, cleansing and moisturizing it. Add essential oils or herbs and enjoy the treatment.
2. LED face mask for professional light therapy
The LED light therapy mask works according to your needs, as a personal beautician. Depending on the selected light, it works against acne (blue light), promotes regeneration and rejuvenation (red light), and fights pigment spots (orange light). This is a real beauty salon right in your home.
3. Epsom bath salt to relieve muscle pain
Baths with magnesium sulfate will relieve muscle pain, relax the nervous system, and replenish magnesium levels, so necessary for everyday stress levels.
4. A set of fragrant natural dried flowers for a cosmetic bath
Spas are not only about procedures, but also about the relaxing atmosphere. Add color and flavor to a healthy bath. Flowers and herbs without fragrances and dyes will brighten up your evening of self-care.
5. Nutritious moroccan rose oil for a royal bath
We continue to fill the bath with care ingredients and add a few drops of precious Moroccan rose oil. Or use alone for skin and hair care.
6. Hot wax paraffin therapy set for soft feet and hands
Paraffin therapy warms, softens, and soothes the skin and joints of the hands and feet, making them tender and soft, like a baby’s.
7. Comfortable bath and spa pillow with suction cups
Give yourself a new level of comfort by adding this small but noticeable detail. A soft pillow made of waterproof fabric will support your head in a comfortable position and allow you to truly relax.
8. Innovative nano glass pedicure foot file
The foot file is made of tempered glass, which makes it a durable and reliable assistant for keeping your heels in perfect condition. Just a few minutes is enough to get rid of rough skin and calluses.
9. Warming foot massager for a real shiatsu at home
What spa salon does without a massage therapist? This massager will be the perfect completion of caring procedures. Remove the top cover and use on any body part that needs a massage.
10. Set of basalt stones for hot massages
Advanced level home spa! If you’re not spending the evening alone, pamper yourself and your partner with a hot stone massage. This is a deep relaxation of the muscles and a feeling of true bliss.
And what is your favorite self-care routine? Write it in the comments.
Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

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