10 Creepy Events People Couldn’t Shake Off for Years

2 hours ago

Unsettling events can linger in people’s minds for years, haunting their thoughts and leaving them with unanswered questions. In this article, 10 people shared the creepy experiences that have stuck with them long after they happened, creating memories they just can’t shake off.


My mom is blind so Alexa is very helpful to her. We got her a Nest thermostat that she controls using Alexa. One night she was warm and asked, “Alexa, what’s the hallway temperature?” No answer. She asked again, “Alexa, what’s the hallway temperature?” Alexa said, “When I do not answer it is because I am playing a game.” She just went back to sleep and tried not to think too much about it.

Damsell / Reddit


I came home and didn’t switch on the lights. I went to the bathroom and bumped into my dog, he’s as big as my mid-thigh. Told my boy I love him and he should be sleeping.

I open my bedroom door and switch on the light only to see him on my bed, sleeping, lifting his head when the light came on, to look at me. I would’ve heard him or felt him move past me. I was alone. What bumped into me?

Lyn27 / Reddit


I was hiking through the remnants of a remote, long-abandoned town and the surrounding area. To get as far into the woods as I was, you had to cross fallen trees over a creek three times. I had just crossed the third “bridge”. Something blue caught my eye just ahead of me.

There was a man, in his sixties at least, wearing blue satin pajamas, sitting in a tree. The closer I got to him the louder he laughed; it wasn’t a maniacal laugh, but it set off all the alarms in my head nevertheless. He also wasn’t wearing any shoes and looked well-groomed/clean.

I gave him a friendly nod as I passed and he just kept laughing. Then it stopped. I turned and he was gone. There was no branch cracking, plants rustling, nothing. He was just gone. Still rubs me the wrong way. The area I was in was a pretty rough hike, very secluded.

mrwitch / Reddit


I had just moved into a new house. I was downstairs when I heard what sounded like furniture moving around upstairs, I went up to investigate but nothing was moved. Go back downstairs and it starts again, I go back up; but nothing. This went on for about an hour; I almost called the police because I was positive someone was in my home.

I searched the attic and any other place maybe an animal could be hiding but I never found anything. Eventually, I gave up my search and went to bed; that night I had a dream that I was driving to work in the rain and fog and crashed. Someone approached me and asked, “Are you ready to move on?” and I woke up.

At the time I was working mid-shift so around 10 PM that same day I got in the car on a foggy and rainy night and made my way to work without any issue. The building I worked in had security cameras all over and it being so late I was the only person coming in. When I got inside, the person I was relieving asked who I came in with. I was alone but she swore someone followed me inside. It was a very unnerving 12 hours, to say the least.

ilovesmybacon / Reddit


When I was a teenager I was home alone, sleeping in my parent’s room. At around 2 am I felt like I was being stared at, from the direction of the hallway. I looked up and I saw a shadow person looking at me. It was weird because it was a pure man-shaped black mass and I could see him in the dark hallway.

I sat up and we looked at each other and then it turned and walked down the hall. A few seconds later I heard a loud crash. I was so scared I turned the TV to the Disney channel and stayed awake for as long as possible. When I woke up the next morning I walked down the hall to the bathroom and that’s when I noticed a mirror that fell off the wall and was shattered. My family still doesn’t believe me but I know what happened.

nessag / Reddit


I woke up to a strange man standing over me watching me sleep. I froze and stayed still til he left. I thought it was sleep paralysis until I found a boxcutter he left on my kitchen table. Turned out to be a maintenance man for my apartment who got fired.

Sorry_Composer_8043 / Reddit


I was outside playing with friends one afternoon. We were around 9 or 10 and lived in a quiet area. We noticed a man in a truck drive by over and over again. Each time he passed my friend’s yard, he’d drive slowly. We realized that this man was recording us with one of those old handheld recorders.

We ran inside their house and called his mom. She told them they needed to stay inside and that I should go home. I tried explaining that my mom wasn’t home at the moment, but she still made me leave. I lived about a mile or two down the road. I’ve never run so fast in my life. I was terrified that a man was going to find me as I was running back home.

When my mom found out what happened, she was super pissed off my friend’s mom hadn’t allowed me to stay at their house until she could come to pick me up.

heylookitsatyler / Reddit


My 5-year-old at the time had night terrors and would scream in her sleep. One night I said, “Mama’s here, it’s okay”. She looked right at me still asleep and screamed “Mama? But who is that behind you?”

thingsimeanttobe / Reddit


About 5 years ago, my parents were sitting out on the back porch on a summer night. My mom saw a person-sized white translucent figure float by a tree. She asked my dad if he saw it too and he said yes. He’s a tough guy but he got really scared and so was she, so they both went inside.

The next morning my mom was walking by the tree where they saw the figure and she noticed a very old-looking earring sitting on top of the dirt. She doesn’t wear earrings. It looked like it belonged to an old lady and it was just dropped there. My mom brought it inside and put it in her jewelry box. The next day it was sitting in the middle of the basement floor. From then on I started hearing footsteps and whispering in my room at least once a week until I moved out.

Meowingcreatures / Reddit


When I was about 8 y. o., during recess at school, I noticed a few kids outside a storage room yelling and warning others, not to approach the door because “there was an eyeball staring back at you!”

Their faces were pale white as they tried to deter me from taking a peek through the keyhole. I bent down slightly, so I could get a closer look inside and there was an eyeball staring back at me and it freaked me out so much. A janitor had to go into the room to inspect what this whole mess was about. Turns out that someone had placed a mirror against that door and the eyeball we were seeing was our reflection!

sarca***oles / Reddit

Sometimes, inviting people into your home can lead to creepy, unexpected, or downright disastrous situations. In these stories, hosts ended up wishing they had kept the door shut. Next time, they’ll think twice before inviting anyone over again.

Preview photo credit Kirill Balobanov / Unsplash


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