10 Embarrassing Stories People Wish They Had Kept to Themselves

2 hours ago

We've all had those terribly embarrassing moments we’d rather forget. However, some people decided to share theirs online. These 10 real-life stories will probably make you want to laugh, gasp, and maybe even hide under the covers. So, you'll be thankful that you’re not the one who went through it.


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My mom insisted on seeing what I bought for clothes to make sure they weren't too baggy until I went to college. When I was 17, we were buying jeans and when I wouldn't do a fashion show for her for every pair of pants, she crawled her 58 y.o. self under the door of the dressing room where I was trying them on.

I'm a guy, and the dressing room had a line out the door. Everybody saw. Everybody heard.

Fritter_and_Waste / Reddit


My mom always yells my name unintentionally. I've asked her 100 times to use her cell phone or look for me. I never hear anyone else’s names being yelled out! It happens so much that I’ve stopped going out with her as much.

We had a family dinner with aunts, uncles, and cousins, and I don’t know how it came up because I was in another conversation, but I heard her say, “GinaLinetti4Prez has a gynecologist appointment next week!” WHY!? We were at a restaurant too! Everything went silent.

GinaLinetti4Prez / Reddit


When I was young, we had a pajama day at school, but I always wore my boxers to sleep. Obviously, a kid can't show up to school in just underwear, but I was too little to understand that. Why my mom allowed me to go and even drove me there, I have no idea. It was the most embarrassing day of my life, and the school had to call my parents to come pick me up halfway through the day.

NerfCat / Reddit


My mother called all the neighborhood moms one day, when my younger brother noticed I was growing pubic hair at 12 y.o. She made it a point of conversation to let all 10 moms know I was "becoming a man" and the calls went on for about an hour and a half – because apparently puberty is that stimulating a conversation for the neighborhood.

Ended up with a lot of "Such a little man!" comments from the neighborhood, and a couple of dads pulling me aside and letting me know that "No one needed to know", as if I had something to do with it.

Darktal0n75 / Reddit


I came home from school with head lice. Instead of telling the teacher, who'd send a letter home to everyone without specifically naming which child they noticed had lice, my mother rang every person in my class that she had the phone number of. She'd have a chat with the parent all, "She has head lice, so you need to check your kid."

I probably got it from someone in my class and the whole class likely already had lice, but kids don't realize that, so the whole class were calling my dirty and saying I infected them. It was horrible. I was hysterically crying while she called people.

Throwawayqwe123456 / Reddit


My ex gf was a waitress, and we were out to dinner with my parents. My mother pulls the "trying to use an expired coupon" move on the waiter. She simply refused to accept that time is a thing and that the written date had passed.

While I zone out and wait for my mom to either win or be escorted out by management, my ex was slowly losing her mind. She suddenly snatches the dollar bill sized coupon from my mother's hand and eats it. Literally tore it and shoved the pieces in her mouth. She says that since there's no more coupon, there's no deal.

tuckerx78 / Reddit


I saw a friend, who was upset that his girlfriend corrected his grammar, throw himself on a couch and kick his feet and pound his fists, while he cried out, "Don't correct me. You're not my mom!" She kicked him out of her apartment and broke up with him. I wondered how she lasted so long.

BriGuy1965 / Reddit


I was in the 6th grade, we were lined up after recess, being dismissed one class at a time. I go, leaving a couple of girls in the other class giggling, so I was feeling confident. I'm walking up the stairs, smiling at them.

Suddenly, my head hits the middle partition bar thing between the double doors. My head bounds back with a huge "thud" and the teacher's like, "Are you ok?" I pick up my ego and went inside.

loztriforce / Reddit


It was my 16th birthday and my family went to a fancy Italian restaurant. The staff came over to sing happy birthday to me, and my dad started singing along loudly in a bad Italian opera kind of accent (we are not Italian).

The staff was so stunned that they just stopped singing. The other customers around us laughed and applauded, and the staff just walked away. I was mortified.

Original_Score / Reddit


10th birthday, school is holding a McDonald's fundraiser. Everyone is there. Sister works at the McDonald’s and gets you a special cake for your birthday. Life is peaking. Mom is carrying out the cake with everyone from my class watching and drops the cake straight on the ground.

Not only is 10 y.o. me devastated, but my mom then proceeds to start scooping cake off the floor onto plates and insisting that people eat it. Mom isn’t allowed to carry cakes anymore.

Dresweezy / Reddit

Everyone has had an embarrassing moment they wish they could forget, but sometimes, what makes these experiences even worse is when they take a darker turn. If you think embarrassing moments are tough to deal with, read this article, where ordinary situations become unsettling or even creepy.


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