10 Illustrations That Scream the World Needs Change

2 years ago

Art is a reflection of society and time, and let’s accept that we do not live in a perfect world. Illustrators from different countries are using their art to depict the problems that we are facing. While some draw our attention to environmental problems, others try to show the horrific effects of everyday social inequality in the hopes that we will be more open to accept them and work toward a solution.

Through this article Bright Side wants to draw your attention toward the problems the world is facing today. And we hope that we can all come together to find a solution.

10. Society creates shame in the wrong places.

9. When you find the easiest yet most unhealthy way to entertain your child:

8. When parents have their child’s life path planned out for them:

7. The problem with the rat race is, if you win, you’re still a rat.

6. People on their way to the gym...

5. The same thing from 2 different perspectives

4. Children need to play, not struggle to survive.

3. Global warming is a “game over” for our planet.

2. Buying love with a modern-day “magic carpet”

1. Healthcare is not about people anymore, it’s about money.

Has technology brought people closer or has it made real relationships sparse? What other major problems do you see in the world around you and what solutions do you suggest for them?


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But how to avoid using single use plastic, actually? If you go a cafe, they would always bring you a straw, or if you buy any street food, in will be served on a plastic plate What to do then?


You can bring your own reusable mug, for example, and ask to pour your coffee or other drinks in there. This way you will avoid using plastic cups, lids and straws.

Comment with image on Bright Side

I think technology brought people closer. I have many friends from other countries, and I feel really happy that I found them. This is so nice to find a soul sister or brother on another part of the planet, to learn about their cultures, to find out something new, and then share with your family. Technology is awesome, after all.


Agree here. If technology is used right (not staring at your phone, computer or tv 24/7 avoiding social contacts), then technology becomes an amazing and useful thing.
I can't imagine my life without it :)


I liked the photo with parents deciding for kids. I agree with the statement. So many parents try to make THEIR dreams come true though their kids. As a result, they make unsatisfied depressed people, who don't know what they want from this life, or feel themselves caged.


Me molesta q el sólo echo de se garota le aplaudan y la señalen así de feo por ser madre


Whats wrong with a baby trying to eat?? Adults and kids can eat in public whenever they want, meanwhile babies can't??

5 months ago
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