10 Inconspicuous Things That Differ in Men’s and Women’s Bodies

3 years ago

Every single thing in our bodies is influenced by our gender, from our cells to our organs. Not only is this because men and women have different hormones, but also because the cells in our bodies interpret DNA distinctively, and ultimately decide our gender for us.

Bright Side offers a list of things that vary in men’s and women’s bodies.

1. Memory is connected to gender.

That’s right, women’s memory surpasses men’s even from childhood. After puberty, this difference becomes more apparent and continues on through adulthood.

Women usually accomplish verbal memory tasks better and faster than men — like the dates of certain past occasions, displaying more emotion when recounting something that happened, and a higher level of detail when it comes to future events. Now you understand why your girlfriend always recalls the specific date you said something!

2. The sense of smell is stronger for females.

A study showed that women have 50% more neurons in their “olfactory centers,” which is the area of the brain that interprets smell, than men — this is even observable for a newborn baby. In the past, this greater sense of smell helped women choose their partners when they were looking to reproduce. Today, researchers found we can literally smell someone’s personality.

Not only that, but during ovulation, the smell of men’s hormones to women is 10,000 higher. Women are also more likely to feel sick when smelling strong paint or perfume. No wonder women are known to be more sensitive!

3. The size of their heart is different.

We all know that men are physically bigger than women, but this also includes their heart! Men have a larger heart, and because of this, their hearts beat slower. The average heart rate for a man is between 70 and 72 beats per minute, while a woman’s heartbeat is from 78 and 82 beats per minute.

4. The differences in abilities.

Men can perform some tasks better than women, and vice versa. However, this is not because they are more intelligent, it has more to do with using different hemispheres of the brain.

For example, men accomplish single, focused tasks and challenges requiring hand-eye coordination better than women, while women are better at analyzing, reasoning, and multitasking, and have better attention spans and social performances. This is most apparent in children aged 12-14 and as they get older, the distinctions become smaller.

5. Being a supertaster is linked to your gender.

Women generally have more taste buds than men do, which means they can taste all kinds of different flavors including sourness and bitterness more accurately than men (especially during pregnancy).

This stronger sense of taste occurs for “supertasters,” and 35% of women can identify with that. That’s not all, women who are fertile also have a more powerful taste than younger or older women.

6. Body fat buildup occurs faster for women.

Because men have more testosterone, they are more likely to lose weight faster. Women have about 6-11% more body fat, and the reason behind this is due to adaptation (pregnancy). Even if you are a female and you eat fewer calories throughout the day, you may still have more body fat than a male.

7. Cavities are associated with gender.

Women experience earlier tooth eruptions than men, making them more prone to cavities. This results in more time for their teeth to be exposed to tooth decay.

This has been linked way back to our ancestors — when they became farmers. Women frequently prepared meals and, of course, snacked during the preparation of them. Also, during pregnancy, women become more hungry because hormones like to misbehave, which leads to more saliva, resulting in their teeth rotting. Ladies, it may be smart to visit the dentist more often.

8. Hearing has a lot to do with genetics.

Research shows that men are 5 and a half times more likely to lose their hearing than women are, but this is not very evident in newborn babies.

Researchers suggest that this fact is due to men’s lifestyles, like being more exposed to noise and risks for cardiovascular disease (which affect men more). However, others say that women have greater hearing, especially during middle age, but this decreases as they get older.

9. People with smaller hands have a more sensitive sense of touch.

According to a study, people whose fingers are smaller experience have a stronger sense of touch. Since women’s hands are smaller than men’s, they have a more refined sense of touch, reasonably.

The reason behind this has to do with the sensory receptors — which are closer to each other when the hand is smaller. That’s why they are more likely to detect a variety of outside stimuli. However, some men with smaller fingertips may have a better sense of touch than a woman with bigger fingers. Here it has to do more with the size than the gender.

10. The process of healing is different for men and women.

When it comes to skin wounds, men’s wounds heal slower than women’s due to the increase of testosterone in their bodies, especially older men. Older men also heal slower than older women. While women have more serious symptoms after a concussion, for example, it takes men more time to recover from them.

Which point surprised you most? Did you think men’s and women’s bodies were more similar?


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