10+ People Who Chose to Live Their Best Lives and Now Glow With Happiness

2 years ago

Raise your hand if you’re satisfied with yourself when looking in the mirror. If you didn’t raise your hand, don’t worry. In fact, over one-third of people usually feel down or low about themselves. The good news is that we have the power to choose some aspects of our lives that will bring us more happiness, health, and self-love. It doesn’t matter if we have to start exercising, leave an abusive relationship, or quit bad habits.

Bright Side found a group of people who already started their journey, and maybe we can inspire you to start yours.

1. “Lost some weight, gained a whole lot of happiness.”

2. “Before and after 2 years — I’m now enjoying a rare trip to a fast food spot.”

3. “I recovered from an 8-year battle with anorexia and am the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been.”

4. “It’s been a journey but I’m so happy with how far I’ve come!”

5. “Before and after — 307 days after I quit drinking”

6. “So happy with how my engagement photos turned out!”

7. “Before and after — 187 pounds lost”

8. “Cycling changed my life!”

9. “I’ve always been a happy guy, it’s just nice now to be healthy as well.”

10. “I left my abusive ex in July and have lost 100 lb since!”

11. “I’ve lost 200 lb! That’s equivalent of 200 guinea pigs, 100 cans of beans, 40 bags of potatoes, or 1 Hugh Jackman.”

12. “Starting to feel more positive and optimistic than ever. I’m learning to love my body again and gaining confidence.”

13. “I’m so incredibly happy with my journey so far.”

What are you most proud of in your life at the moment?

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Preview photo credit GriffGetsFit / imgur


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