10 Stories About Family Members Who Can Be a Real Nightmare

Family & kids
2 months ago

Sometimes, our own family members have a knack for driving us absolutely crazy. Whether it's their quirky habits, constant meddling, or outlandish ideas, they can turn the simplest of days into a whirlwind of chaos. Here are 10 stories from our readers who shared their "pain" with us.


Six months ago, my cousin moved in temporarily due to “job issues” and never left. He’s still here, and his complaints are endless. He says my couch is “too firm” and the Wi-Fi is “slower than dial-up,” while leaving a mess and demanding extra blankets for his nightly “chilly drafts,” even in summer.

Things took a ridiculous turn when a package arrived for Mark—a “Personal Comfort Kit” with a heated blanket, Wi-Fi booster, and ergonomic pillow, all sent by his mom to address his grievances. When I asked him about it, he just shrugged and said, “Mom wants me to stay as long as I need!”

Now, my living room looks like a luxury lounge thanks to Mark’s mom, and I can’t help but laugh at how my temporary guest turned into a permanent resident with the ultimate comfort setup.


My mom calls me every day at 7 AM to make sure I’m awake. One morning, she called and didn’t say anything, just breathing heavily. Concerned, I rushed over to her house, fearing something was wrong.

When I arrived, I found her sitting on the couch with a defeated look, surrounded by empty coffee cups and a tangle of craft supplies. I asked what happened, and she sighed, “I just needed to get your attention.”


My dad has a knack for turning every decision into a deep philosophical debate. When I told him I was switching from mint to cinnamon toothpaste, he launched into a discussion about how it symbolized a profound shift in my personal philosophy. When I mentioned a job offer, he turned it into a “life-altering” choice, complete with a dramatic PowerPoint presentation on the ethics of career decisions.

One day, my mom handed me a letter from a career coach my dad secretly hired to “help me with my existential dilemmas.” The letter ended with a note that read, “P.S. – Dad still thinks mint is better.”

So now, with a career coach and mint toothpaste, I’m prepared for Dad’s next philosophical adventure: analyzing my choice of vacation spots!


My cousin prides himself on being a gourmet chef and insists on cooking every holiday meal. This year, he made a 12-course meal with ingredients no one could pronounce.

We all had food poisoning and had to spend the next week in the hospital together—talk about a "family bonding" experience.


My mother-in-law, Brenda, lives next door and has a knack for turning every minor flaw into a major ordeal. Last month, she decided our kitchen, which she deemed “in need of urgent improvement,” was her next project.

One day, she barged in, armed with a notebook and a critical eye. She inspected my spice rack and declared that the arrangement of spices was “a travesty against culinary order.” She then set up a “Spice Rack Reorganization Workshop” for the entire neighborhood, complete with color-coded labels and a chart on “Optimal Spice Accessibility.”

Her workshop turned into an event, complete with snacks (from my kitchen) and a “Spice Placement Mastery” certificate for everyone who participated. She even filmed a tutorial on her phone, which she proudly shared on social media, tagging me with the caption, “Transforming kitchens, one spice rack at a time.”


My cousin adopted 20 cats and insists on bringing them over to “socialize” with my dog at my place. Amid the feline chaos, one cat, Mittens, found a stack of important documents on my desk and peed on them.

Later, during a crucial work presentation, a strong, unpleasant odor began to fill the room. As I stood before my colleagues, I noticed their puzzled expressions and their attempts to discreetly sniff the air. I glanced down and saw the papers and realized that the odor was because of Mittens.

Trying to salvage the situation, I awkwardly apologized and explained the “unexpected odor.” My colleagues tried to hide their amusement, while I hastily switched to digital slides. The meeting ended with sympathetic chuckles, and my “cat-tastrophe” became office lore. Mittens’ unexpected contribution to my presentation ensured I’d never live down the “pee-poor” pitch.


My brother decided to “fix” my leaky faucet himself. He ended up flooding my kitchen and broke the cabinet door trying to shut off the water.

His attempt at a repair video went viral, and now he’s a minor internet celebrity.


My mother-in-law insists on sending me the latest health supplements. This week’s “Super Detox Powder” turned out to be a bag of powdered chalk. As I stirred it into my smoothie, I noticed the taste was more like sidewalk than health food.

Turns out, MIL had accidentally sent me her son’s art supply stash. I had a chalky smoothie and an amusing story for the next family gathering.


My cousin is obsessed with the latest tech and installed a smart home system in my house. Unfortunately, it was so advanced that it started controlling my lights and electronics from his phone.


My cousin crashes every party I host, bringing his own “unique” dishes.

Last month, he showed up with a giant cheese sculpture. The problem? I’m lactose intolerant.

Although some family members seem to have a talent for causing chaos, we still love them.


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