15+ Parents Who Know Firsthand That Children Are Not a Beautiful Picture but Hard Work

We’ve all been there, everything starts off fine, and then a simple situation spirals into full-blown chaos. One minute, you’re just living your best life, and the next, you’re standing in the middle of an embarrassing disaster, desperately wishing for a rewind button. Some moments just can’t be undone. Here are 10 stories that went wrong in the blink of an eye.
When I was still young at around 13, I went to a bathroom in school and the stall was locked. A normal person would say someone is in there, but not me.
My first thought was how do you lock a bathroom stall behind you? That’s not possible. So I crawled under the stall and there was someone in there. A piece of me still gets cringe when I think about it.
SummerDarlingg / Reddit
I was on a call with my team. I took my laptop with me to the bathroom. Most people had their cameras off, and my video accidentally popped up right beside the presenter’s. There I was, on full display, mid-business.
My manager said, “Someone forgot to mute.” In sheer panic, I slammed my laptop shut, which didn’t end the call. I had to come back, face burning, and manually leave. No one ever said a word about it, but I swear I saw my boss holding back a laugh in the next meeting.
My ex-girlfriend was a waitress, and we were out to dinner with my parents. My mother pulls the “trying to use an expired coupon” move on the waiter. She simply refused to accept that time is a thing and that the written date had passed.
While I zone out and wait for my mom to either win or be escorted out by management, my ex was apparently slowly losing her mind. She suddenly snatches the dollar bill sized coupon from my mother’s hand and eats it. Literally tore it and shoved the pieces in her mouth. She says that since there’s no more coupon, there’s no deal.
tuckerx78 / Reddit
I gave the groom’s speech at my own wedding. I’d run the short speech through my head countless times, but when I stood in front of the mic, my mind went completely blank. I mean completely — the sort of brain vacuum where a fly can enter one ear, do a lap of honor and exit triumphantly from the other ear without anything slowing it down.
It felt like I stared at the crowd for an endless time before the first words of my speech came to me. Once I got started, everything flowed as normal and the speech went well. To the audience, apparently, it felt like the usual dramatic pause/gathering of thoughts before a speech, so no-one noticed anything weird. But to me, it was an endless eternity of social terror.
trajectory / Reddit
I ran into an old co-worker at McDonald’s, our tenures had overlapped by about a month and that was several years ago. He recognizes me and calls me over to his friends and tells them, “This is the nicest guy I have ever met.” In the next 3 minutes, I called him by the wrong name, and asked him how he liked a job he’d never worked at. It was pretty clear that I hardly remembered him.
I was so embarrassed that I got my McDonald’s to go and ate it in my car. I’m midway through my burger when him and his friends walk up and get into the car directly facing mine. We made awkward eye contact while I had my food in my hand, and then they drove off.
jammin-john / Reddit
I was in a line in the cafeteria and my female friend is leaning on the table holding her purse. Every time she opens it, I close it. I did it twice, then she suddenly faced me and it was a total stranger. I went back to our classroom and didn’t eat lunch.
bohenian12 / Reddit
Ordered an Uber with my new boss on a business trip yesterday. Began making small talk with the driver to show her how great I am at talking to people. Driver was talking with his girlfriend on a headset.
IntrepidusX / Reddit
Trying to stalk someone on Facebook and typing their name into the status bar instead of the search button. I was in a car with my friend at the time, and then we lost signal as I frantically tried to delete. Still makes me cringe.
Unknown author / Reddit
I’m 39, and I still think about my first almost kiss, it was so awkward and embarrassing. I was 11 or 12 and at camp, we were playing spin the bottle. I was a really naive little girl and didn’t quite understand what I was getting myself into.
The bottle landed on me and I stood up to kiss the older and far more experienced boy in front of me. I essentially unhinged my jaw and opened up my mouth really wide to kiss him. He stepped back, took one look at me and said, “No.”
buffywho / Reddit
My twin was walking to his car and looked in the window and saw me walking parallel to him. He got excited and waved. He first was confused how I was waving at him at the same time, then realized it was just a reflection.
iicow_dudii / Reddit
Sometimes, life has a way of delivering justice so flawlessly that you can’t help but sit back and appreciate it. Karma always has a way of balancing the scales. In this article, we found 10 stories that show what goes around really does come around, and when it does, it’s surprisingly satisfying.