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Many women suffer from swelling in the legs and feet. This swelling can appear especially after spending long periods of time standing or sitting down. But occasionally it may also be a red flag for poor circulation or other health issues. If this condition is recurrent, make sure you make an appointment with your doctor.
We at Bright Side care about your well-being so we have gathered a list of tips that you can put into practice right away. Make sure that you check the useful bonus we have prepared for you.
According to experts, we should do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This will not only keep us fit and slim, but can also improve our blood flow. Activities such as running or walking can help boost your circulation. Try to incorporate exercise into your routine as you would schedule a meeting with your boss or devote time to helping your kids with their homework.
Another vital key element you should try to do before and after you exercise is to stretch. Stretching increases your flexibility, improves your performance in physical activities, and contributes to an increase in blood flow to your tissues and organs.
1. Drink black or green tea: This popular beverage does much more than keep you warm during cold autumn mornings. It contains antioxidants that may help improve your blood flow. So have a cuppa before you go jogging in the morning. Your body will definitely be thankful!
2. Beetroot juice: The combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in this drink makes it the right beverage to kick off your day. Drinking it regularly can help reduce your blood pressure and thus any side effects associated with this condition.
Among the many benefits of this Ayurvedic technique, an increase in your blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are on top of that list. Our blood carries lymph fluid which is filtered through the lymph nodes. When we follow this technique correctly, we speed up the pumping of blood which also helps to get the lymph through the body and remove toxins and pathogens.
Steps to effectively dry brush your legs:
1. Get a firm, natural-bristle brush.
2. It’s better to do it right before you have a bath, and more convenient because you’ll need to remove your clothes.
3. Start at your ankle and slowly move up in a circular motion.
4. Dry brush each leg, going up to the upper thighs. It should take about five minutes per leg.
5. Be careful about the amount of pressure you apply. It should be firm but not so much that it hurts.
6. When you finish, you can have a shower or bath, and then apply some lotion or body oil.
Compression socks apply pressure to your legs and ankles. This allows your blood vessels to push blood better through your body and up to your heart. As a result, they help reduce swelling in your feet and legs and will provide you with a feeling of relief after a long day standing on your feet. Before you choose the best one for you, make sure that you consult with a doctor first.
Follow these steps for a more effective massage:
1. Work in upward movements.
2. Place your fingers on your ankle.
3. Apply pressure with your fingers as you gently move your hands towards your hips.
4. Move your hands back to your ankles and repeat the same movement about 10 times per leg.
Superfoods offer a high level of nutrients. Though they don’t protect you from chronic illnesses, they’re highly beneficial due to the richness in compounds, such as antioxidants, fiber, and fatty acids that they contain. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats help our circulation because they promote the release of nitric oxide. This molecule dilates blood vessels, raises blood supply, and consequently lowers blood pressure.
For those of you who are vegetarians, you can get this component through beets. They are high in nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide.
Other superfoods that you could include in your diet to boost your circulation are:
1. Leafy greens
2. Onions
3. Garlic
4. Walnuts
5. Berries
At the end of the day, there’s nothing better than to take a long relaxing bath. But if you want to take it to the next level: add some epsom salts. They contain a chemical compound called magnesium sulfate. Experts claim that its deficiency can contribute to increased inflammation and chronic conditions.
When we soak in the tub, the magnesium can be absorbed through the skin and thus we elevate our levels of magnesium. When you’re drawing your bath, measure 2 cups of epsom salt per gallon of water. Soak in and enjoy!
We may not realize this, but we spend most of the day sitting down with our legs crossed. Then, we wonder why our legs hurt or why our feet are swollen. However, there’s a simple way to help boost our circulation.
First of all, elevating your feet helps with the natural blood flow since your veins don’t need to work against gravity. As a result, inflammation will go down because there’s no longer a buildup of swelling in the legs and feet. In addition, it will contribute to draining the tension from your legs and feet and relieve some of your pain.
Follow these steps when elevating your feet:
1. Remove your footwear.
2. Lie down on a couch, bed, or the floor: make sure there’s enough room to stretch your legs. If you’re lying on the floor, you can raise your legs against a wall at a 90° angle. For the bed or couch, get some pillows to keep your feet elevated above the level of your heart.
3. Have your feet elevated for about 20 minutes and repeat whenever you have a short break throughout the day — you can catch up on some work emails or some reading while doing so. If you’re comfortable enough, you can even take a nap.
One of the reasons behind the swelling in your feet and, consequently legs, can be a poor choice of footwear. Stylish as they may be, high heels or pointed-toe shoes aren’t doing your body any favors. Additionally, you should be careful about the size. Poor-fitting shoes can bring about an array of problems. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you should get rid of those trendy new stilettos.
Make sure you don’t wear them for too long and try to look for other alternatives such as wedge heels, which provide better support and balance, or sneakers.
Before you get up:
1. Ankle pumping: While you’re lying on your back with your legs stretched, flex your feet moving your toes up and down. Repeat at least 10 times.
2. Knee bends: After you finish this exercise, with your legs still stretched, move alternatively your knees up to your chest and then back down. Repeat ten times with each leg.
3. Leg lifts: While you’re still lying on your back, bend one knee with the sole of your foot firmly on a flat surface. Raise your other leg without bending it until both knees are at the same level. Do this 10 times and then repeat with the other leg.
During the day:
If you’ve been sitting for too long at your desk, bear in mind your posture. Avoid crossing your legs for too long and when you take a break, try to do the following exercises:
1. Heel lifts: While holding onto a chair, raise your heels slowly until you’re standing on tiptoes. Lower your heels until they touch the ground. Repeat 10 times.
2. Leg stands: While holding onto a chair, leave one foot firmly grounded on the floor and lift the other one. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then repeat with the other leg. Try to gradually increase the time you hold this position.
Have you ever tried any of these tips? Feel free to share this article with any friends or relatives who might benefit from this information.
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