10 Ways You Can Create a Bird-Friendly Garden

Tips & tricks
3 years ago

A lot of birds have lost their homes due to how climate change and human activity affect their habitat. But birds are very important for nature and for us. For example, they control pests, spread seeds, and pollinate plants. Luckily, if you have a garden, you can make a couple of transformations to make it more bird-friendly and help birds survive.

We at Bright Side suggest that you make some minor adjustments to how your garden looks. And, if you follow our advice, you may start to see more birds in there very soon!

1. Plant small trees and shrubs in clumps.

This will increase fertility and, therefore, the plants will be able to produce more fruit. And when there’s a lot of colorful fruit in one place, it’s more visible to birds. To make it look more natural, avoid planting trees and shrubs in rows.

2. Create layers.

To make your garden more attractive to birds, try to make it look like their natural habitat. Different birds use different layers, so you’ll be able to attract several species. You can plant large trees in your garden to create the highest level, then smaller trees and shrubs, then flowers, and then grass, decaying leaves, wood, or detritus will form the lowest level.

3. Choose native plants.

Check to see which plants are native to your area. It’s important to choose them over non-native species because birds might not be attracted to unfamiliar plants. They’ll also be easier to take care of because they’re already adapted to the local climate.

Native plants will also give birds the appropriate nutrition. Birds can feed on bugs that live in trees, as well as berries, nuts, and seeds. Flowers would also be a good addition to your garden because they can provide birds with nectar.

4. Add bird feeders.

If you grow a wide variety of plants in your yard, they already serve as a good source of nutrition for birds. However, you can add bird tables and bird feeding stations to create supplementary sources of food. It’ll be especially helpful for them in cold weather when it’s harder to get food. Moreover, baby bird survival rates are higher in areas where bird feeders are installed.

5. Give them water.

Birds need water to drink and to clean themselves. If you have a pond in your yard, it can be a good source of water for them. However, it’s better to have some additional sources too, because ponds can freeze in the winter. Birth baths can be a good solution, but make sure to put them in sheltered places, and to also clean them and refill the water frequently.

6. Create nesting sites.

You can add birdhouses or nesting boxes so that birds can use them as shelters or nesting spots. Make sure to put them somewhere hidden away, and not too close to bird feeders, otherwise nesting birds will have to defend their territory from other birds who are looking for food. Planting conifers will also create good nesting spots.

7. Avoid pesticides.

Try not to use pesticides at all or at least limit their use. They can harm birds directly because sometimes birds might think that pesticide granules are gravel and pick them up. Their food can also get covered in pesticides. Finally, bugs are very important to have in your garden if you want to keep it bird-friendly, because birds feed on bugs.

8. Minimize your lawn.

Large patches of grass aren’t natural, and they aren’t very useful for birds, because there’s not much food or shelter there. There can also be problems with fertilizing, mowing and using pesticides to control insects or diseases. So it’s better to limit the size of your lawn and plant a wider variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers that will be similar to the birds’ natural habitat.

9. Keep dead trees and branches.

Birds use dead trees to perch on and defend their territory. Woodpeckers can also create cavities in them where birds can nest. Moreover, dead trees can be a good place to attach birdhouses.

10. Use your roof.

If you have a flat roof, you can also use it to create a garden. You can add pots and containers with plants and a water source, and create a shelter — this could very well become a perfect place for birds. It’s also safer for them compared to the ground, because there won’t be any ground predators that could harm them.

What does your garden look like? Do you have any other tips on how to make a garden attractive for birds?


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our garden is full of birds this summer. We have lots of trees and I think they love them 😍


my garden is always full of birds we give them food like fruits, rice so they always come sharp at 5:00a.m for breakfast and 12:00 p.m for lunch (if we forget to put food at 5:00a.m the squirrels will just SCREAM until its given)


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