9 Everyday Products That Hide Unpleasant Surprises

2 years ago

We all know that huge amounts of sweets and pastries can cause obesity. And that’s not the only ill effect that our favorite products can have on our body. It turns out that some ordinary foods that we treat as healthy can actually be harmful to our body.

Bright Side gathered 9 popular products that we all need to be careful about.

9. Shrimp

Shrimp are able to accumulate heavy metals, which is why it’s so important to know where these shrimp were caught. Of all the seafood, shrimp are the cholesterol containing champions. If you eat them too often, they can cause a spike in the cholesterol levels in your blood.

8. Processed cheese

It’s not really healthy to eat cheese packed in plastic slices. All the sheets are produced with a large number of chemical additives that give this cheese its flavor and color. It’s recommended that you have a piece of cheese from a wedge that hasn’t already been pre-sliced.

7. Chips

Most potato chips that you can buy in the supermarket are less potato and more preservatives than we think. And there is a huge amount of salt, additives, dyes, and so on.

6. Yogurt

Yogurts from supermarkets contain preservatives, thickeners, aromatizers, and other “healthy” components, and they don’t really look like classic yogurts made of milk with lactic acid bacteria.

The main dangers are sugar and milk fat. It’s recommended to consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day. And 4 oz (100 gr) of yogurt can contain 3 teaspoons. Side effects can include the following: obesity, risk of getting diabetes, and a weakened pancreas.

Natural yogurts are really good for our body and it’s easy to prepare them. You’ll just need milk and dry yeast. You can also add fruit and honey to make your yogurt even tastier.

5. Hot dogs and processed meat

As a rule, hot dogs include meat trimmings, bone meal, cartilage, skin, vegetable and animal fats, starch, soy protein, and salt. And you’ll never know whether this soy is genetically modified or not.

Thickeners, dyes, preservatives, and flavor enhancers are usually added as well. Additionally, hot dogs and sausages are bad for kids: those who eat more than 12 a month are 12 times more at risk of developing leukemia. Those who eat one hot dog per week have more of a chance of developing brain tumors.

Scientists from the University of Glasgow claim that, based on the research of 260,000 women, consumption of minimal amounts of processed meat may increase the risk of breast cancer.

4. Moldy cheeses

Extravagant cheeses like Roquefort, Dorblu, Camembert, and Brie have a number of useful features: they increase calcium absorption, enrich our body with protein, and improve our hormonal background and our cardiovascular system. Penicillium roqueforti (a saprotrophic fungus) thins the blood and improves blood flow.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should eliminate blue and white cheese as its mold contains listeria that can be particularly dangerous for women in this state. Pregnant women may experience fever and vomiting, with the most dangerous consequences being miscarriage, premature delivery, and fetal deviations.

3. Salty crackers

Do you like salty crackers? Diabetes, stroke, heart attack, obesity, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease like them too. It’s recommended that you eat less than 0.20 oz (1 tsp) of salt per day. One small salty cracker contains 3 times the daily recommended portion. Because of the large amounts of salt, your blood pressure can increase and arterial spasms may occur.

2. Chocolate covered cookies

They’re one of the most popular kinds of cookies and they have one drawback: they are covered with confectionery fats instead of chocolate. If you eat these “chocolate” cookies on a regular basis, you’re likely to gain weight. These products are enriched with trans fats that lead to cardiovascular diseases and an early death.

1. Sponge cakes

The first thing that will confuse you is the shelf life. These products like cakes and cupcakes can be stored at least 5 months without spoiling. Nothing happens to them. A huge dose of fats and preservatives turns this dessert into poison.

Bonus: Products that can make your eyes change their color

Some people think that it’s possible to lighten the color of your eyes with the help of products like honey, spinach, ginger, chamomile tea, and so one. Presumably, your eyes will get brighter in just 2 weeks. Unfortunately, there are no scientific facts to support these claims and everything is based on people’s experiences. Have you ever tried this method? We haven’t. Let’s reveal the secret, conduct research, and share our results with each other.

Do you still like any of these products? What’s your opinion on this matter?

Please note: This article was updated in August 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
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