11 Subtle Clothing Details That Can Help You Easily Land Your Dream Job

We often spend hours preparing for an important business meeting, working out all the issues, and perfecting our speeches. But the first impression we make happens in the first 7 seconds. After that, it can be difficult to change the established image, especially if it is negative. So, it is very important to take various nuances into account when picking out what to wear before an important meeting, whether it is an interview or a serious conversation with the boss.

Clothing style

According to psychologists, if a team independently chooses a unified style of clothing, it indicates the cohesion of the team. Moreover, most people do this unconsciously, simply because they spend a lot of time together.

This same study showed that most bosses have sincere sympathy for subordinates who copy their appearance. This happens because people subconsciously gravitate toward those who are similar to them, and any difference is perceived as a potential threat. So if the boss usually comes to the office in sportswear, then a person in a similar outfit is more likely to get the job or the promotion.

Excessively expensive things

Stylish clothing makes a person look more competent in the eyes of others. Well-dressed employees seem more intelligent and more disciplined. At the same time, expensive clothing can make other colleagues wary.

Research has shown that displaying high prosperity and status is unintentionally perceived as a sign of boasting and indifference toward the team. This person is unlikely to be accepted onto the team. If you want to present yourself as a team player, it is better to dress modestly.

Revealing clothes

Clothing not only affects how others perceive us, but also how we feel about ourselves. In an experiment, people were given white lab coats. Half of the group was told that it was a doctor’s coat, and the other half was told it was an artist’s smock. When performing tasks, the first group showed greater resourcefulness than the second.

A similar study demonstrated that girls in swimsuits perform worse on math tests than those fully dressed. Scientists suggested that the participants were too concerned about how others evaluated their appearance. This distracted them from the main task.

Color of clothes

Career experts are confident that the choice of clothing color can affect the outcome of a business meeting. One-quarter of company executives will not offer a job to a person who comes to an interview in an orange dress or suit: this color is firmly associated with a lack of professionalism.

And if a person wants to get a job related to creativity, it is better to not wear anything blue. This color indicates that the applicant might be a bit conservative.

The shade

The tone of the outfit also affects how others perceive you. Dark shades create the impression of a powerful and professional worker. They are suitable if the applicant is applying for a managerial position or wants to emphasize that they are in control.

Light and delicate tones indicate that you are a soft and friendly person, ready for negotiation and teamwork. A sharp contrast in the outfit, for example, the combination of black and white, signals strength and assertiveness.


Bright outfits and unusual patterns attract attention, but as a result, the employer will remember your clothes, not you. During an interview, it is important to demonstrate your own skills and abilities, not just your style. Therefore, professionals advise against wearing large prints and overly flashy colors for the first meeting.

The mood should match the clothes

When preparing for an interview or business meeting, many people prepare several outfits in advance. But it is better to choose clothes shortly before an event, that way you can evaluate your own mood and see the way you feel.

If you are tired and not in the mood, a pale beige suit will not give you confidence, but on the contrary, it’ll emphasize your gloomy mood. As a result, there is a risk of not passing your interview. It is better to wear a brighter and more interesting outfit that will cheer you up, inspire you to achieve great things, and help you get the job.

Bright elements

We like it when a person is dressed in accordance with our expectations. This helps us to evaluate them faster. A colleague who comes to a children’s birthday party in a 3-piece suit or comes to the office wearing beachwear immediately raises suspicion.

But people perceive it positively if one bright and unexpected element accompanies a suit. Strangely enough, a professor who complements their conservative outfit with red sneakers evokes more respect and interest from their audience.

The color red

In nature, the color red signifies danger. Perhaps that is why men who prefer clothing in this shade raise suspicion among those around them. If a man comes to a meeting wearing a red tie or sweater, we subconsciously evaluate him as an aggressive subject trying to dominate us. Therefore, when preparing for negotiations or an interview, it is better to avoid any crimson details.

Tailored clothing

During the experiment, participants were asked to evaluate unfamiliar men based on their success, self-confidence, and income level by only looking at their photos. The men’s faces were not visible, only their clothing. Each frame was shown for only 5 seconds.

The gentlemen in the photos were dressed in almost identical outfits, but some of their clothes were purchased from a store, while others were wearing clothing that was tailored to fit them. As a result, almost all of the participants in the study gave higher ratings to the men wearing the tailored clothing.

Your own style

Ideally, clothing should not only be comfortable and appropriate for the occasion, but it should also reflect your individuality. One study showed that more than half of the women who wore ill-fitting suits felt unhappy at work. On the other hand, if women were able to easily choose office attire that matched their personal tastes, their careers in the company improved significantly.

Having your own clothing style shows others that you are not chasing after the latest fashion trends and are confident in yourself. When we choose a recognizable style for ourselves and stick to it, other people feel a sense of reliability from us.


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