12 Shocking Finds That Left People Wishing for a Memory Reset Button

4 hours ago

Some doors just have to stay closed. If anyone dares to open them intentionally or by accident, they find disturbing, hilarious, and sometimes downright terrifying secrets. A creepy glass coffin in a living room, a haunting diary revelation, and a stash of very personal photographs—these 12 shocking discoveries would make you ask yourself: Would you burn such a piece of evidence, seal it away, or embrace the horror? Find out what people uncovered—if you dare.

  • After my grandma’s mom passed away, my grandma and my mom found her diary that they didn’t know she kept. As they were reading, they kept coming across things such as “It kept me up all night” or “It wouldn’t stop crying today.” They finally realized she was talking about my grandma as a baby. She was a very lovely lady who happened to get pregnant by accident. She and my grandmother ended up being best friends and even lived together up to the very end of my great-grandma’s life. She was just a bitter new mother at the time (which we can all relate to). @Jay_Boogie96 / Reddit
  • During my divorce, I found a roommate and moved into her place while we searched for a bigger apartment together. A couple of months later, moving day arrived, and we were deep into packing. She was downstairs handling her things, while I was upstairs in the loft, clearing out the living room and shifting furniture to clean behind it.
    Her dog was running around like he’d had ten cups of coffee, zooming from one end of the apartment to the other. I called him over to settle down, and that’s when I noticed what he had in his mouth—a huge, eerie porcelain doll head, its painted eyes staring blankly ahead. I completely lost it. I shouted for my roommate, and the second she saw it, her face went from confusion to sheer horror. Her former roommate apparently had a habit of hoarding weird antiques. Meanwhile, the dog gleefully dodged her attempts to grab it, prancing around the apartment like he’d just discovered the best toy ever.
  • I was helping them move out of their apartment. In the bedroom, there was a riding crop and a black equestrian horse-riding cap. As I picked up a box, I said, "Hey, I didn't know you rode horses." He replied, "We don't." @warrioratwork / Reddit
  • Proof of my mother-in-law's affair. Shortly after she divorced my father-in-law, she visited my husband and me. She told us she was getting a new phone and wanted to back up the photos on her old phone but didn't know how. And could we please do that for her while she was visiting? My husband backed her photos up on our own laptop and then transferred the entire folder to a jump drive she gave us.
    Fast forward a couple of weeks, and my husband, not remembering what was in the folder, opened it up. Most of the photos were of the other man, his house, and Pinterest-y images with texts about finding love in a second marriage. It turns out the new guy was an old high school boyfriend. She told us she wanted a divorce because she was just "done" with her previous marriage. She was mad when we confronted her about the pics, saying we'd "snooped" in her private photos... @tornfamily89 / Reddit
  • While in college, I visited another friend's apartment. I had to go downstairs to find a hammer or something, and when I clicked on the light, the entire rug was COMPLETELY covered with mushrooms/fungus at least 5" high.
    If I stepped on the rug, my feet would sink about 5" into mushrooms. The creepiest thing about it was that the mushrooms would lean towards you when you got close and would shoot spores into the air when the warm air brushed by them.
    So, it was as if they were watching you; they could sense you close and were trying to spore you if you disturbed the air enough. I was equally fascinated/terrified that I might get spores all through my lungs or whatnot... So I bolted. @TheDancingRobot / Reddit
  • My grandpa passed away when I was 14. My dad then informed me that my grandpa was in prison for 14 years and was released the year before I was born. The rest of the family knew, but for some reason, my dad never wanted me to know. My grandma had died a couple of years before he did. So he spent his last years in a cabin after selling the family home (all his choice). Anyway, when he did die, we had to clean out the cabin. We came across a box that said, “If you find this and I’m still alive, please leave it alone. If you find this and I am dead, please do not open it and burn it.” My idea of opening it got outvoted by my aunts and cousins, who wanted to respect his wishes. I’ll always wonder what was in that box. @AtBat3 / Reddit
  • I was at this guy’s house. He was pretty weird, to begin with, but we had been friends for so long I didn’t seem to notice anymore... until this one day.
    I’m in his room watching TV with him. His walls are covered in pictures of old movie stars from the 20s—40s. I was sitting on his floor when I felt something scratching my leg a bit. I looked down, and it was a toenail clipping. Whatever, I thought. He probably forgot to throw it away. Nope. Once I saw the first toenail clipping, I couldn’t stop seeing them. Literally, there were HUNDREDS of toenail clippings all over the floor.
    He saw me looking at the floor, somewhat horrified. He chuckled and called them his friends. @princessc***factory / Reddit
  • A friend of mine is a house appraiser in New Jersey. He walks into the living room of one particular client’s house, and there is a glass coffin in the living room with the body of a woman preserved inside. The guy says it’s his mother. My friend said it was the fastest he’d ever appraised a house in his entire career. @cusscakes / Reddit
  • I work in mortgages and see lots of appraisals. I once saw a bedroom that was a shrine to Jennifer Aniston. There was a wall of framed photos of her in various poses. So weird. @marvinwaitforit / Reddit
  • My friend bought a house from a nice old lady. When we ripped down part of the ceiling, an old leather satchel fell to the ground. We both assumed we'd just found a bag full of cash. We opened it up, but there was no money. Instead, we found lots of pictures of the nice old lady and her husband and their friends. And none of them were wearing any clothes. We did the only thing we felt was appropriate. When we put up the new ceiling, we sealed it right back up in there for some future homeowners to stumble upon. © Jealous-Network1899 / Reddit
  • Our friend passed away because of cancer. When we started going through his stuff, we expected some weirdness—it was Mark, after all. But nothing prepared us for what we found tucked away in drawers and taped under tables—random pink underwear, a rubber chicken in the freezer, and then the photos. A handful of pictures of his bare bottom, each one with a message: “Kiss it.” And on the last one, in his messy handwriting, “I’ll miss you.” We laughed until we cried because, somehow, even in death, Mark still had the last joke.
  • My worst, hands-down encounter was on a pack job for an elderly couple. I was making a trip back in from the truck, and I asked the elderly gentleman in the living room if it was okay to grab some items from the bedroom as his wife was in there. I get the go-ahead as he tells me she is most likely packing. I open the door to get the full view of this 70-year-old woman, naked and bent over with her buttocks aimed at the door. I put my stomach back down my throat, slowly closed the door, and walked outside. Since I was the crew lead, I called the boss and told him to come replace me. He asked why, and I explained. He showed up in 30 minutes, handed me $20, and said go to the bar. I still have nightmares about that. @NoSeatNoProblem / Reddit

Some discoveries stay with you for all the wrong reasons—just like certain travel experiences. What starts as a dream getaway can quickly turn into a chilling tale you’d rather forget. These travelers shared their eeriest encounters, and trust us, these aren’t the kind of memories that make you smile.

Preview photo credit Jealous-Network1899 / Reddit


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