13 Actors Who Built Their Career Playing Same Characters in Every Movie

2 years ago

In the world of movies, some actors often play similar characters due to their particular appearance or acting skills. Dwayne Johnson, for example, plays a former special agent who can easily save a skyscraper or set off to the jungle in almost every movie. But despite the fact that all of his characters are very similar, viewers still love him and the movies he stars in.

At Bright Side, we decided to find out which actors became popular playing the same characters in almost every movie.

1. Adam Sandler — crazy but kind guy

Adam Sandler is one of the highest-grossing actors. He’s made a great career, even though he’s mostly played slightly crazy but kind guys. Some people might call his movies silly comedies, but viewers still love them. One of the facts proving this is Sandler’s collaboration with Netflix.

2. Michelle Rodriguez — cool girl

Michelle Rodriguez plays cool and tough girls almost in every movie. Her characters either serve in the army or police force, or are the main characters’ girlfriends. It’s worth mentioning that the actress is quite rebellious in real life too. Despite this, movie directors often invite her to take part in their blockbusters, like Avatar or the Fast & Furious film series.

3. Morgan Freeman — wise mentor

Morgan Freeman has a distinctive deep voice, a wise look, and a calm demeanor. This is why he’s often invited to play wise mentors or even gods. Throughout his career, the actor has received multiple awards, including an Academy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a Golden Globe.

4. Jason Statham — tough guy with a hoarse voice

Jason Statham’s acting skills are often criticized for lacking depth and variety. But at the same time, he’s praised for making action movies popular again. Thanks to the fact, that the actor used to study Wing Chun, karate, and kickboxing as a teenager, he can be very convincing in the roles of tough guys, thugs, and former special agents. His long filmography is full of characters like this.

5. Paul Rudd — charming romantic

Throughout his career, Paul Rudd has appeared in more than 100 movies and TV series. It’s interesting that over the past 30 years, the actor looks as attractive and desirable as ever. Most often, Paul plays charming romantics who don’t miss an opportunity to tell a silly joke.

6. Helena Bonham Carter — weird woman

If a movie director needs a slightly quirky heroine with a crazy look, then Helena Bonham Carter is the right choice for the role. Even though Helena is a versatile actress, most blockbusters casting directors focus on her ability to play dark, weird characters.

7. Seth Rogen — simple-minded but kind-hearted guy

Most often, this comedian plays characters who love to do nothing and crack jokes. Despite this, the audience loves the actor and movies starring him.

8. Rebel Wilson — reckless giggler

Rebel Wilson often plays the main character’s cheerful friend or some other quirky but sweet character. Her characters are energetic and reckless, and always get into a little bit of trouble.

9. Michael Cera — insecure young man

From 2003 to 2006, Michael Cera used to play a clumsy young guy named George Michael Bluth in the sitcom Arrested Development. And this type of character stuck with him so much that he had to play similar roles in movies too. This most likely happened because the actor is thin and youthful, with curly hair and a restless look.

However, it’s worth mentioning that Cera is a wonderful actor. He has been acting on Broadway since 2014, and in 2018 he was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Performance by a Featured Actor for one of his roles.

10. Nicolas Cage — adventurous guy

If you tried to remember Nicolas Cage’s career, you’d probably think about his roles in adventure movies. However, in the 80s-90s he was known for his dramatic and romantic roles. But during the last 2 decades, his characters have mostly been engaged in stealing cars for 60 seconds or solving puzzles during treasure hunts. The majority of his movies have a similar storyline, and his acting remains the same in every movie.

11. Liam Neeson — hard-boiled former special agent

This Irish actor has been acting in movies since 1978, playing really diverse roles. Liam is a wonderful dramatic actor, just think of Schindler’s List, for example. But as soon as he appeared in the action movie Taken, based on Luc Besson’s script, blockbuster directors began to offer him roles of former special agents or tough guys who happen to be in the right place at the right time.

12. Ryan Reynolds — bold guy full of self-irony and sarcasm

It seems that Ryan Reynolds probably portrayed himself in the movie Deadpool. After all, in real life, he is also an optimistic guy who loves ironic jokes. Actually, his other characters are similar to each other — bold and self-confident comedians.

13. Kristen Stewart — same as Bella from Twilight

Almost every character performed by Kristen Stewart has a similar look, and behaves in the same way. However, it’s worth mentioning that the actress has appeared more regularly in independent movies in recent years. Nowadays, critics praise Stewart’s acting talent.

Which other actors, who play the same characters all the time, would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments below.


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