13 Times an Ordinary Day Turned Into a Scene From a Romantic Movie

2 days ago

Sometimes life throws us scenarios better than any romantic comedy. Random meetings, unexpected coincidences and cute moments that remain in the memory forever. The heroes of this article certainly didn’t plan anything special, but their ordinary day suddenly turned into a story worthy of a movie.

  • I had to work late one night. I was working at my computer alone in an empty office, singing my favorite songs at the top of my lungs so that the evening wasn’t that boring. Suddenly the screen goes out, then it switches back on and there’s a message, “Let’s sing together,” and then the words of a song appear.
    I was dumbfounded, but I sang, reading the words from the screen, as in karaoke. And at that moment, I hear a man’s voice from behind the door, it opens, and our programmer enters with a tablet, humming the song. In short, we sang with him all night, I didn’t finish my reports, so I’m working now on my day off, and in the evening we go to karaoke. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • We were being photographed with a friend for a school album and decided to take a shot together. The photographer adjusts the light, looks at us and commands, “Okay, kid, put your hand on her waist. You, put the hand on his shoulder. Closer, closer...”
    Then pauses, assesses the frame and says, “And if you two kiss, it will be fire.” We looked at each other, hesitated... And then my friend just kissed me. We finished school 2 years ago, and this “friend” has been my husband for a year. It’s fate! © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • I came to my boyfriend’s office. He works in a serious law firm, there are important men in suits, but as soon as they see me, they begin to smile and look at each other. I think maybe there’s something wrong with my clothes.
    I enter his office, and there are my photos everywhere, from ceiling to floor. And judging that some of them are 3 years old, he’s been doing it for a long time. I came out of there like a queen. If my man is ready to turn his workplace into an altar of our love, then I’ve done everything right in my life. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • My boyfriend moved to another city for a year, and we see each other rarely. And today his friend came and gave me a puppy, a bouquet of flowers and a note, “I don’t want you to feel cold in this cold season.” My beloved knew I dreamed of a dog! So now, while he’s not around, I will be kept warm by my dog. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • The way I met my wife — right out of a rom-com. We were both at a coffee shop, and her sleeve caught my coffee as she was reaching for the cream, spilling it everywhere. Up until that point, neither of us had noticed the other one.
    Once we made eye contact, wow. But once the coffee went flying, she bought me another, and we sat and chatted for hours. First date a few days later, married the following year. © BionicGimpster / Reddit
  • We met online in a video game. He kill-stole my monster, and I gave him a piece of my mind. Started talking and realized we had a lot in common.
    We ended up racking up telephone bills to talk to each other every day. We both worked 50-hour weeks and went to school full-time, but always made time for one another. We’d skype and email and text constantly.
    Met him in person as friends a few years down the road. Spent a weekend together where I toured him through my city. I took him into the art room of my university to show him my work, and we kissed. He ended up spending the night with me, and we fell asleep late in each other’s arms while watching Garden State.
    We decided to move in together after that, since his design internship ended. When we moved all of our stuff together, the only thing we ended up with 2 copies of, was Garden State. We’ve lived together for 8 years now. © JamaisVue / Reddit
  • I got to my subway platform with my nose buried in Galapagos by Vonnegut. As I am waiting for my train, I look to my right and 3 people away from me is a guy reading Slaughterhouse 5. It is important to note we both had the same style covers — mine being blue and his was red.
    Our train comes, we get on at different doors but end up next to each other. I pulled out my Discman (it was the early 2000s!) to change a song. That’s when he nudges me and pulls out of his pocket the same Discman. His was blue, mine was red. He was listening to Peter Gabriel, and I was listening to The Faint.
    We didn’t end up dating, but man I felt like I was in a rom-com for sure. I think his name was Paul. We exchanged info, but I sadly lost it. He was very nice. © SugarSugarBee / Reddit
  • So, I was on this really bad double date, like, couldn’t get the guys to talk to us at all, barely even looked at us, etc. My friend and I went to the bathroom to figure out how to politely ditch them, and when we came back the guys had taken the initiative and ditched us instead.
    So, we went to another bar where a band we liked was playing and spent the rest of the evening having a great time pointing out guys we thought were cute. At one point I said to her, “That guy behind you is really cute even if he’s wearing a [sports team I hate] shirt.”
    Cut to a few days later, and another friend of mine is having a party. I’m talking to a guy, and he looks so familiar, but I just can’t quite place him. So, I say to him, “You look so familiar,” and he looks at me for a minute before saying, “Weren’t you at that bar on Wednesday?” And suddenly I realize, and I say, “Weren’t you wearing a [sports team I hate] shirt?”
    We talked for the rest of the night, and now we’ve been dating for 4–5 months. © luaraam / Reddit
  • 2 years ago next month, I took my beagle to the park near my house. While we were playing, a bulldog dragged a gorgeous woman, his weekend sitter, across the path to meet my dog. She sat on the bench next to mine, and we talked for 20 minutes.
    I asked her if she wanted to meet me for a drink later that evening, and she said yes. It was the best first date I’ve ever been on. One year ago, I asked her to marry me. 2 weeks ago, we were married in a fancy billiard hall. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • We were both leaving a mutual friend’s birthday party and caught different cabs that happened to go in the same direction. We didn’t have a chance to chat/meet before, but we were both sitting in the backseats, recognized each other at a light, opened our windows and kept chatting as we drove until his cab finally turned right. It’s my favorite story, and I’m seeing him today! © DUNKN0W1T / Reddit
  • I was at the local independent coffee shop, drinking out of a mug. I saw this guy sitting in a lounge chair a couple spots away and reading a vintage copy of The Great Gatsby. I walk up to him and say, “I know this is gonna sound weird, but can I smell your book?” He chuckles and says, “Sure,” handing me the book.
    I inhale, and it smells like vanilla. I explain how lignin (paper preservative) has a similar chemical structure to vanilla, so when it decomposes they smell similar. We introduce ourselves, and he says he’ll see me around.
    I run into him again at the same coffee shop, and we talk about C.S. Lewis and Game of Thrones for 3 hours. And then everything happened, just like in the best novels. © herkelshmerkel / Reddit
  • Took a beginning dance class taught by the mister. He was introducing dips (a la Gene Kelly). He said, “When you dip your partner, be gentle, not too rough. Like the perfect man.”
    To which I rolled my eyes and snorted, “Are you the perfect man?” Without missing a beat, he replied, “Only when I’m dipping a lady.” A year and a half later, we were engaged. © shhhh_spoilers / Reddit
  • I took an internship in California that was pretty sweet. All expenses paid for, working half the time in a law firm (I intend to go to law school), the other half in IT at a neat company getting a nice paycheck. I didn’t really realize how difficult it would be not having any friends, though.
    So, I hit up the one person I knew on that side of the country, who happened to still be several hours north of me (I was in Santa Barbara, he was in college up north). While there, he told me to wait a moment in the hallway, and disappeared.
    At that moment, my future boyfriend walked into the hallway, and we struck up a conversation. We’ve been dating for almost 8 months now, and it’s weird to imagine that we probably wouldn’t have if a whole bunch of really, really weird things hadn’t happened at exactly the right time. © Conceptizual / Reddit

And here men revealed what romantic gestures from women melt their hearts.


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