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Cosplay is the art of transforming into different characters. In order to really understand that cosplay is art, you should take a look at the gorgeous girls in this compilation. They are all very different but there is one thing that unites them — their undeniable talent.
Bright Side offers you to take a look at popular characters cosplayed by famous artists and future stars of this genre. And at the end of the article, there is a bonus about a girl who is much more than just a cosplayer.
Sarah Ingle is a 25-year-old marketing manager who turns herself into Disney characters. So far, she has spent over $14,000 on her costumes of Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, and others. She has about 17 costumes and 16 wigs. Also, she is a volunteer and she visits children in hospitals to give them a break from treatments and make their dreams of meeting a Disney princess come true.
Which cosplay work did you like the most? Tell us in the comment section below!