10+ Amazing Animal Facts That Even Your Biology Teacher Probably Doesn’t Know

5 years ago

The world of animals hides tons of miracles that are sometimes hard to believe. Penguins having knees, birds using makeup, square starfish — all these things seem to be so unusual that you’d think they couldn’t possibly exist on our planet. However, if you continue reading this article, you’ll find out that all of them are actually true.

13. This is what a platypus’ foot looks like.

Jean-Paul Ferrero / ardea.com / East News

12. Penguins have knees.

11. The incisors of beavers are orange because they contain iron.

10. Cows can’t bite because they don’t have top front teeth.

9. Bearded vultures are the only birds that wear makeup — they purposely dye their white feather red with mud.

8. Baby elephants suck on their trunk, the same way human babies suck on their thumbs.

7. This is how big a whale skull is.

6. Elephant foot vs Human foot, there’s almost no difference.

5. Chinese water deer look like vampires.

4. An Indian giant squirrel is multicolored and can be up to 3 feet long.

3. Shark eggs are transparent.

2. This is what an elephant’s tail looks like.

1. Some kinds of 5-pointed starfish can be born square due to a genetic abnormality.

Bonus: Anna’s hummingbird changes its color every second.

Which facts impressed you the most? Do you know any other interesting things about animals that are not mentioned here? Let’s continue the list together in the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in October 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Unknown author / Reddit


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Chinese water deer actually looks like some mythical creature. They are cute and creepy at the same time


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