15 Eerie True Events That Defy Any Rational Explanation

6 months ago

We try to make sense of life’s events through science and knowledge, yet there’s a side to our existence that remains shrouded in mystery and enigma, and that’s what makes it so fascinating. In the stories we have for you today, people shared experiences and memories they couldn’t explain, no matter how hard they tried. These moments eventually turned into chilling occurrences that still give them goosebumps whenever they think about them.

  • When my daughter was 6, we drove past an old, abandoned house that used to be a place of ’ill repute.’ Out of nowhere, she asked if I remembered when she worked and lived there. I felt a chill and asked what she meant.
    What she said next made my blood run cold. She told me she had lived and worked there before, but something terrible happened, and she had to start over inside me. Now she’s 32 and has no memory of ever saying that.
  • My mum worked as a cleaner in a house on the grounds of a 13th-century castle. Sometimes my brother, dad, and I would go help her, especially late at night.
    One evening, the old clock that never worked started ticking. Then, a door that never closed on its own shut itself. When we were driving out of the place, we saw a figure wearing old, wet clothes walking through a brick wall. My whole family saw her.
    Mum just stopped the car, and we all looked at each other. I don’t know if it was a ghost or just a trick of the car headlights and being tired. © weirdemosrus / Reddit
  • When I was 17, my parents finally let me ride my motorcycle to school. In my country, you can get your driver’s license as soon as you have your ID card.
    One day, on my way home, I made a classic dumb teenager move. A train was coming, and I tried to beat it across the tracks. My tire slipped, I panicked, and the train started blasting the horn.
    Out of nowhere, this old man appeared and literally lifted me AND my bike off the tracks just as the train barreled past. It happened so fast, I could barely process it. My knees were shaking like crazy.
    I turned to thank him, and he was GONE. No trace of him anywhere, even though it was a wide-open area with no place to hide. Did he sprint away? It seems like he evaporated into thin air because it was literally half a second between when he lifted me to safety and when the train passed.
    Almost 14 years have passed. Even writing this now gives me goosebumps. © hibranwar / Reddit
  • I was taking a walk in the woods by my old house in the summer of 2020, thinking of my grandpa. All of a sudden, I heard his favorite song playing. No one was around. It still gives me chills. © WhereTFAreMyDragons / Reddit
  • I work at a nursing home. The last week of December, there was a lady who was relatively healthy. A few of her family members and I were in her room chatting when she mentioned that she’d known since she was a little girl, she was going to die before turning 94.
    Her family said she’d brought this up many times before. She was 93, and her birthday was January 4th. Sure enough, on January 3rd, she passed away while I was working. © Amazing-Gazelle3685 / Reddit
  • We were helping a neighbor by plowing up her garden with our tiller. My dad hit a coffee can, and, hoping there was money inside, opened it.
    Inside was a photo in a plastic bag. It was an enlistment photo of someone he went to high school with. We were 400 miles and several states away, and none of our neighbors recognized him. © Girleatingcheezits / Reddit
  • A few years back, I woke up in the middle of the night several times, and it felt like something was walking on my bed at the foot of the bed. My wife was sleeping next to me, so it wasn’t her. The odd thing is I mentioned it to my wife a few weeks after it happened, and she turned white as a ghost and said she had experienced the exact same thing a few times but didn’t want to mention it to me because she thought I would think she was crazy.
    We still can’t explain it. It hasn’t happened in a really long time, but it was an unnerving experience. © 1980pzx / Reddit
  • In the very early ’90s, I was backpacking through Egypt and spent a good deal of time in Dahab by the sea. Accommodation was very sparse—a double bed in a 10ft x 12ft room. One time, I woke up in the middle of the night to find a guy dressed in a white Navy uniform, complete with medals, standing at the end of my bed. I yelled, “No, go away!” at him, and he disappeared. © Captain65k / Reddit
  • When I was still living at my parents’ house, there was a small sign with my name on it glued to my bedroom door. It had been hanging there for several years. The night before I was going to move to my own place, the sign fell from the door by itself. It was in the middle of the night, so nobody touched it or the door or anything. © Veezerick / Reddit
  • I woke up at 2 or 3 a.m. because of a loud noise. It sounded like... I’m not sure I can even explain. Like a hollow... metallic... hum? Only my dad and I were home, so I went to his room to wake him up.
    We both thought it was so strange, so we went outside to investigate. The sound was incredibly loud but seemed very far away—maybe a few miles. You could hear it traveling and echoing all the way to our neighborhood. We just looked at each other puzzled and decided we’d check the paper in the morning to see if there was any mention of it.
    It went on for 1–2 hours, I want to say. There was no mention in the morning paper. We never figured out what it was! © Unknown author / Reddit
  • Two weeks after my father died, I was watching TV in the living room. Something made my eyes turn to his chair by the window, and he emerged out of the light. Legs crossed, smiling at me. I don’t know if it was grief or desperation, but he was there, and then he slowly disappeared. © Logical-Hovercraft83 / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, I had this CD player. It didn’t have any special features—no looping or anything like that. I’d lie down in bed at night with a story playing, and if I fell asleep, the CD would end, and everything would be silent in the morning because CDs don’t last 8 hours.
    So I wake up and realize the CD is still playing. Even odder, it hasn’t moved at all—it’s at the exact part where I fell asleep. It’s 8 hours later. To this day, I can’t explain it. © je97 / Reddit
  • When I was around 6 (I think), I had about 8-10 metal cars. I was playing with them in our closed balcony. I remember being alone that day. I got thirsty, so I went to drink water (the kitchen was on the other side of the house).
    When I came back, my cars were gone. I never saw them again... © 6415722 / Reddit
  • A few years ago, I was sitting in my living room when the light bulb from my ceiling light suddenly fell out. It dropped until it was halfway to the floor, then it just stayed floating a few feet above the ground for a full minute or more before it popped/exploded.
    Even though I have laminate flooring, there was no glass on the floor. I searched the whole room and never found so much as a splinter of glass, which is odd, but the floating bit was what shocked me the most. It stayed lit the whole time it floated. © subaruheart / Reddit
  • My dad went missing when my son was 5 months old. When he started talking, he always said that a man stood by his bed at night. We brushed it off as childhood imagination. A few years later, I hung a photo of my dad, the last one I had of him.
    My son pointed to it and said that was the man in his room. It gave us chills, especially since my dad never reappeared after going missing.
    He suffered from deep depression for decades and had gone missing in the past but always came back, unlike that last time. It’s been almost 20 years now, and we’re sure that he is dead. My son is a young man now and doesn’t recall it.

Secrets and hidden truths are a part of everyone’s life. But some people live with a partner whose life is cloaked in deep mystery and enigma. The stories in this article reveal how some individuals uncovered the dark, twisted side their long-time lovers had been hiding from them. Dive in and discover more here.


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