15+ Men Who Have Pretty Good Reasons to Be Proud of Their Partners

Family & kids
4 years ago

Building a healthy relationship with someone is not easy. But the ability to be proud of someone’s achievements, to support them, and to be grateful for their care is very important.

In today’s Bright Side compilation, you’ll find photos shown by men that have these skills and who are sincerely proud of their wives and girlfriends.

“My friend had a newborn photoshoot with her dissertation.”

“My wife knew that I gave up looking and knew I’d had an extremely hard day at work. I came home to this on our bed. I will now divorce her to marry her again.”

“My wife is a goddess. She rented out a movie theater for me to play Cyberpunk in privacy on the big screen!”

“Not sure if my girlfriend is trying to sell the mirror or about to drop the hottest album of 2021”

“Wife doesn’t have Reddit, but would like to share her achievement.”

“My wife surprised me when I least expected it. 1,000 days sober.”

“My wife’s first attempt at a Spiderman cake, I’m impressed.”

“My wife started yoga exactly one year ago today! My son (5 y.o.) and I couldn’t be more proud!!”

“My girlfriend did this. So proud of her.”

“My girlfriend was so proud of her catfish!! She fell in love with fishing!”

“My mom passed away last month. My wife snuck and recorded my saved voicemails from my mom. Best Christmas gift ever!”

“My wife always coming in clutch. I love her.”

“I don’t know many people who buy rice 200 pounds at a time, but my wife does. She uses all this rice to make various kinds of warm packs.”

“When your wife works Thanksgiving Day and also wants to feed all of her coworkers:”

“My wife put together this little thing and while I know it probably wasn’t too hard, but it looks like it would cost 50 bucks at a fancy restaurant.”

“My wife just walked downstairs in her new nightshirt. And she’s so cool! I married a winner!”

“My wife is from Korea and she’s only seen Halloween culture from movies. This is our first Halloween as homeowners.”

“My wife was looking forward to giving out treats. She decided to make goodie bags and deliver trick or treating to kids! I love her.”

“No matter what life has given us, we’ve always found something to smile about. I’m proud to finally call you my wife.”

“After years of trial and struggle, my wife finally went to school to get her Medical Assistant certification.”

What achievements of someone you love are you proud of the most?

Preview photo credit ozzyatemyneighbor / Imgur


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