15 Mothers-in-Law Who Know How to Spice Up the Life

Family & kids
3 hours ago

The relationship between daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law is often a reason for jokes. But sometimes husbands’ moms do so weird things that you don’t know whether you should still laugh or whether it’s time to cry.

  • We moved to another region. 6 months later, my mother-in-law visited us and told me, “How is it that you still haven’t found a job? You just live off my son!” I put up with it for a few days, and then I asked, “How is it that your daughter has been married for 30 years and hasn’t worked a day?” To which my mother-in-law replied, “That’s different.”
    She is proud of her daughter because she married very well. Her husband eventually became rich, and her daughter never knew what work was. The husband registered her in his company, so that her pension was accrued. And the mother-in-law proudly says, “She works for her husband!”
    In short, it’s like a joke, “My daughter is so lucky! Her husband is wonderful, he buys her dresses, shoes, diamonds, takes her to the Maldives. But my son is not that lucky. This lazy woman asks her to buy her dresses, shoes, diamonds and take her to the Maldives.” © Missis K / Dzen
  • I have a wonderful mother-in-law, but sometimes she acts weirdly. I remember when the baby was 2 months old, he didn’t sleep well. Then one day at 5:40 a.m., when we just fell asleep, my mother-in-law calls and whispers, “You just don’t freak out, but I’m sitting here in your living room. Go back to sleep.”
    It turns out that she came to help, but since the husband’s mother goes to bed at 7 p.m., she wakes up, respectively, very early. I love her, it’s just the kind of person she is. © Anna N. / Dzen
  • My mother-in-law said that I’m bringing up my son wrong, “You’re too soft with him, he’s sitting on your head!” Well, well, well.
    A couple of days later, she wanted to babysit her grandson. I left them food and toys and left for just half a day. 3 hours later, I get a text, “I can’t do it anymore! He’s going crazy in here.” I come back, and she’s sitting there, disheveled, tired, staring blankly at the wall.
    The child is nearby, cheerful, happy, shaking a toy in his hands and chewing something. I ask, “Well, how did it go?” Mother-in-law is silent, then quietly lets out, “Okay... Raise him as you like.” Well, I warned you. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • The topic of DNA tests came up at my mother-in-law’s house last night. And she made a joke, “Let’s go and take these tests, ha-ha.” My husband is a reasonable guy, he rolled his eyes, “Mom, what are you talking about?”
    And I was having fun, so I said, “Let’s do it! It’s your idea, so you’ll pay. Who knows, maybe they mixed up the children in the maternity hospital — anything can happen. But you will take the test as well, and then we will all hug, kiss, and dance.”
    My mother-in-law tried to shut the subject down, but I got carried away. And I haven’t calmed down for a week. When she and my husband talk over the phone, I say deliberately loudly, “Ask your mother when we are going to take the DNA test. I’m ready. We’re all ready!”
    And today, my sister-in-law texted and gently inquired as to what, exactly, was going on. Because, according to my mother-in-law, my children are from someone else, and I want to find out who their father is with her money. And, secondly, I am trying to quarrel her with my father-in-law and defame her honor with this DNA test. © razdvatrigoni / Pikabu
  • My mother-in-law kept on bringing my son all sorts of cheap chocolates and waffles. We told her many times that the child is allergic to sweets — to no avail. I encouraged my son to tell his grandmother that next time she should bring him something healthy.
    She was pleased, praised him, and the next time she comes and proudly declares, “Look, grandson, I brought you something healthy!” And pulls out a packet of sausages. © Caramel / VK
  • I was on the couch pumping while my husband was giving our 5-month-old a bath. Next thing I know, I heard the mother-in-law’s voice as she called the husband to see the children on FaceTime. I overheard everything because she is rather loud.
    She asked where I was (said she never sees me caring for the boys) and why my husband is doing bath time. He told her I’m busy pumping, so he decided to do bath time solo, so our boys stick to their bedtime routine. Mother-in-law went off about how she can’t believe that he gives our children baths and that I should be doing it.
    He asked her if father-in-law helped out, growing up. She went on a tirade about how she was a super mom and did all the parenting herself with 3 kids, so I shouldn’t need my husband’s help with 2 children. My husband told her that’s sad she didn’t have help and that our children are just as much his responsibility as they are mine. She was stunned into silence, said goodbye and hung up. © Throwawaytohideaway2 / Reddit
  • I recently complained to my husband about my mother-in-law, saying that she can’t leave us in peace: she is always sticking her nose into our affairs, trying to take part in all situations. My husband says that it could be worse. He has an acquaintance, whose mother-in-law burst into the bedroom with her husband at 3 a.m. and asked, “Son, do you know how much prunes cost at the market nowadays?” © Chamber 6 / VK
  • My mother-in-law’s an absolute loose cannon, completely clueless of what to say where. She’s always been a bit too much but has been on one lately with our wedding coming up. Her latest brilliant idea is that my fiancé should stay with her for a whole week after our wedding. No honeymoon, no time as a married couple, just him and mommy dearest spending some quality time together.
    We live in NYC, his parents live in another state and her reasoning is, “I should get time with him before you take him away. Honeymoon can wait for a week, so don’t be selfish.” I just sat there, nodded along, and now she thinks after our wedding, she’ll probably be setting up some weird mother-son bonding activities or whatever. Meanwhile, the second our reception dinner is over, hubby, and I will be in Austria. © Cannabellll / Reddit
  • 5 years ago, my mom was taken to hospital with a heart attack. There was no money for treatment as I was on maternity leave and only my husband worked. I knew that my mother-in-law had savings, I asked to lend us some money, but she refused. To be honest, I didn’t expect anything else.
    The doctor came into the ward in the morning and said, “Your mother’s sister came to see me, scolded me and accused me of demanding money from you, and you have a small child.” He also said that the “sister” demanded to prescribe the simplest and cheapest medicines, because the patient can’t be helped, and the young family would be left with nothing. I told the doctor that my mom had no sister and that it was my mother-in-law who came to see her (I understood this from his description).
    Mom lived for another 3 years after that heart attack. Now my mother-in-law is sick and needs attention. My husband is the only son, and almost all the money is given to his mother’s treatment. If it wasn’t for that situation, I wouldn’t mind, but... © Yulia / ispovedi.com
  • My husband’s mom hates me because I am “not from their circle.” What kind of circle it is, I haven’t figured out for 8 years of marriage — just an ordinary family. Yesterday, my mother-in-law called and was like, “I’m watching my son kissing another woman, not you, and I feel warm in my heart!”
    At first, I was stunned, and then decided to clarify, “Are you watching right now?” My mother-in-law said with pride in her voice, “Yes!” I exhaled and laughed, “Then don’t hesitate to come up. My husband will be glad to see you.”
    Indeed, we look back, and my husband’s mom is walking toward us in the park. Well, yes, I’ve had hair extensions, a new coat — she didn’t recognize me. How much disappointment was in her look! It seems anyone can be “from their circle,” and only I don’t fit in.
  • My mother-in-law likes to give weird things. For my birthday, she gave me a floor scale. At first, I didn’t even understand what it was about. And she said with a smile, “It’s a hint that you should watch your figure!”
    I almost choked on the piece of cake I was eating at that moment. My husband was embarrassed, but I decided to keep quiet. But now every time she comes to visit, she looks at that scale as if she wants me to get on it. © Caramel / VK
  • My mother-in-law was shocked when she came to our house shortly after our wedding and saw her little boy doing the dishes while I was tidying up the flat. All she could mutter was, “It’s not right for a man to do a woman’s chores!” I replied, “My dad always pays the utility bills himself, does groceries, and even machine-sews better than my mom! I need an independent man, not a couch potato!”
    My mother-in-law wanted to complain to my parents, but they didn’t understand her. She was used to her son and husband coming home from work and having a rest, because, according to her, they were overworked. I asked my husband why they didn’t help her, and he said, “We tried at first, but Mom was always indignant that she had to redo everything after us.” © mgolanskaya@yandex** / Dzen
  • My ex-mother-in-law used to come to our house while we were at work and wash my husband’s boxers. I told my husband about it, and he was like, “I can’t do anything, she’s like that (like, she likes to wash).” So I said, “If she’s ‘like that,’ why doesn’t she wash my panties?”
    My ex-husband then said I was being arrogant. But I still can’t understand: why is it me being arrogant? Maybe this another person shouldn’t dig through someone else’s dirty laundry, find boxers and wash them for show? © Olga R / Dzen
  • A year ago, we lent my mother-in-law a large sum of money, which she promised to pay back. Some time later, she needed the same amount, which she borrowed from acquaintances. She returned the debt to her acquaintances after 2 months, but she agreed to give us only 15% of the total amount, and only after 6 months to a year and after a great scandal.
    My husband’s question, “Mum, how come?” received a marvelous answer, “Well, we are a family!” By the way, all the relatives turned on my husband for the fact that he asked to return the borrowed money. They said he was her son and had no right to do so.
    At the same time, we live separately, independently, we have never asked for help or money. I feel some wild injustice toward my husband and me. Or am I wrong? © Caramel / VK
  • When we got married, we lived in my husband’s flat. It was a large 4-bedroom. So, when I, a young daughter-in-law, started cleaning, I had no idea of the scale of the disaster.
    It turns out I had to vacuum this flat daily — I emphasize daily! — on my knees, because my mother-in-law removed the cleaning wand from the vacuum cleaner and left only the hose, and I worked with this hose like Cinderella from a fairy tale.
    For a long time I put up with their antics, but in the end I packed my things and left. My parents had just moved to a new flat. I came in and there were dishes on the floor, no flooring in the rooms at all, only cement. No need to vacuum anything! I cried with relief. © Aesthetka Vesta / Dzen

And here’s another bunch of stories about mothers-in-law.


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