I really like tired koalas :3

Anyone can get tired, and animals are no exception. After long hours of playing games, fighting with friends or siblings, caring for their little ones, or simply eating, these little guys, adored by almost everyone, find it impossible to avoid their exhaustion and simply “turn off ” right where they are.
Bright Side selected 15 pictures for you of animals that could not keep their eyes open for one more second because they were so tired.
Do you have any pictures of your pet or another animal that was so tired, it fell asleep in an unusual place? Share it with us in the comments.
I really like tired koalas :3
my puppy went digging in my purse, and fell asleep instead.
Animals can have Narcolepsy. Just like people.
Baby Buster
I once found him sleeping over the fridge , he can fall to sleep anywhere really , actually he did it on a plane once 🤣😂