Countless things can influence how a photo ends up looking: lighting, angle, etc. On rare occasions, these variables align perfectly and a brain teaser is born. Whether it’s a shadow that creates the impression that your laptop is folded or a reflection that makes half of a building seemingly disappear, photos are unpredictable.
Bright Side now puts your mind to the test with some bewildering photos.
1. “Hank loves sleeping under his favorite pillow.”
2. “Just about had a heart attack. The shadow made it look like my work laptop was folded.”
3. “The column behind my head makes it look like it was printed on paper.”
4. “My wife told me to look toward the camera, so I turned my head.”
5. “My buddy’s cup before our final exam looked pretty weird on the table.”
6. “Was shocked to find out my brother had mentioned nothing of my niece’s new levitation ability.”
7. “The view from my friend’s room makes it look like the light is in the middle of the sky.”
8. “The pool looks like it is missing a wall, and the path lines up nicely.”
9. “This arrow is not misaligned.”
10. “There are 4 people in this pic.”
12. “This photo of me and my girlfriend.”
13. “Took this photo while on a train. Check out the white jacket, it bears a resemblance.”
14. “Accidentally took this picture and did a double take on the lens cap.”
15. “The view from the top of the mountain in my car looks like I’m flying.”
What’s the most confusing photo pic you’ve ever taken? How good are you at solving puzzles? Meet us in the comments where we’re eager to see your own stories and photos!