15 Times Kids Accidentally Delivered the Perfect Punchline

Family & kids
month ago

Children see the world differently, without any bias and preconceptions, so no wonder they can ask questions that grown-ups would never do. They can make you laugh or feel embarrassed, but one thing is sure, it's hard not to smile after reading the following Reddit comments.

  • I was staying with my sister and in the morning my 3-year-old niece crawls into bed with me, just chilling. Out of nowhere, she tells me, "Nana [her father's mother] is in heaven." I agree, yes she is.
    Then she says that she and Mom will see her one day. Again, I agree, I'm sure you will. Then she asked me, "Do you want to come with us?" © EverybodysSatellite/Reddit
  • One of my little cousins, a boy, was watching his dad change his new baby sister's diaper. My cousin just stares at his sister's crotch, points, and asks, "How does she pee?!" © good-evening-clarice/Reddit
  • I was working at a daycare and was waiting for my sister to come pick me up, and one of the kids asked me, "You have a sister? I thought you were a grown up." © Unknown/Reddit
  • With wonder and admiration in her eyes, a 5yo girl asked me, "How did you get those pink spots on your face?" I was a teen with acne. © MuseHill/Reddit
  • "Daddy, what would happen if I come home and find Mommy dead?" - my youngest boy asked this a couple of years ago about his epileptic mom. He volunteered to be homeschooled to be able to babysit her and has called me to come home during a seizure four times since, very possibly saving her life. © loonidood/Reddit
  • A kid came into the engraving shop I worked at in a mall. He was about 4 and was enamored with the book of fonts we have. He read them aloud and asked me if this was a giant book of the alphabet. I said yes, and he sat on the floor reading quietly while his mom shopped.
    A few minutes later, he asked me, "Ma'am? What is this letter, it looks like a T, is it?" He was so cute and polite I almost melted, and then I gave him a mini-lesson on the Greek alphabet. © goldxoc/Reddit
  • I was helping a family I was close to move out of state. Once we got all their stuff in the truck, it was time to say goodbye. Their adorable little boy springs after me as I walk to my car and screams "WAIT!!!" I look back and with the saddest eyes in the world he says, "Aren't you coming to Georgia with us?"
    I think that was the first time he realized that only his family was leaving NY, and it was so sad to see. He probably won't remember, and probably won't remember me. © lamiller0622/Reddit
  • My two, almost three-year-old niece recently asked me why I was sad all the time. I didn't know how to answer her, because I was going through a rough patch mentally. But she took my face in her hands and told me "It's okay, Nani (a name she invented for me when she started talking and couldn't pronounce mine), I am here now, and I love you forever, you're my best friend," squeezing me and planting kisses all over my face.
    I swear, being around her has made life worthwhile. She's my sunshine on a rainy day. © Wieliewalie/Reddit
  • I was standing in line at Self Checkout when I heard "Did you used to be pretty?" I look around and there is a little boy of about 4 standing behind me holding his Mom’s hand. I looked at his mom and her eyes were bugged out, she was standing stiffly and was a hot second from ripping his arm out of its socket to drag him away.
    I love kids, especially at this age, so I said "Why? Yes, I was pretty, how did you know?" He replied, "Oh, I could just tell!" © Dabo57/Reddit
  • Zoned out staring at the milk at the grocery store one day. A mom with a small child pulls up her cart next to mine. The small child sees my tattoos and her eyes get HUGE as she asks, "Miss, are you a coloring book?" Made my day. © inked-microbiologist/Reddit
  • I said, “My ear is ringing,” and my 5-year-old asked if she could hear and pressed her ear against mine. © Unknown/Reddit
  • I let my niece out of her car seat and said, "You’re free!" She responded, "No, I’m free and a half!" She was 3 1/2 years old. © akchemy/Reddit
  • I use a walking stick. A stranger child once asked me whether the stick was my third leg. Couldn’t have been older than 7 and was super polite. I told them what it was and said thank you for asking so nicely. © Unknown/Reddit
  • When I told a little girl my nickname (it's my last name, which is masculine), she said, "Really? Why did your parents give you such a boy name?" She acted so surprised, I thought it was adorable. As for my reply, I said, "My parents were a bit crazy." © uwu-Stormy-uwu/Reddit
  • I was 4 years old and it was December. My grandmother had taken us to Walmart and this fat old man with long white hair and white beard was in the toy section wearing a red tracksuit. I walked up to him and asked him if he was Santa Claus. My grandmother liked to have jerked my arm off getting out of the situation.
    The story ends happily because that nice old man found us as we were leaving. He had two Christmas bags, and he gave one to me and one to my brother, told us not to blow his cover, winked, and left the store. In my bag was a Barbie I had been coveting, and in my brother's was a GI Joe he'd been wanting. I still think that was Santa. © carmelacorleone/Reddit

Children are really adorable, but if you need more proof of that, just read our previous article, 12 Children’s Quotes That Prove Kids Are Full of Wisdom.

Preview photo credit good-evening-clarice/Reddit


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