15 Emotional Photos That Will Make You Feel Everything

year ago

An image can evoke a variety of feelings at once, drawing our minds and soul inside it. Some images can have such deep meanings or background stories that they truly move us to tears. After all, one of the primary reasons we take pictures is to make them as memorable as possible, letting us relive the same sensations when we look back on them in the future.

1. “My cat knows he has a sister on the way and has been trying to cuddle with her.”

2. “Look at this sweet baby squirrel we saved today.”

3. “It’s my wedding day. Had to save a seat for dad.”

4. “My auntie’s parrot, cat, and dog eating breakfast together.”

5. “I secretly kept my wife’s wedding bouquet a year ago. Today, I’m giving it back to her.”

6. “My dog and I dressed as Scooby and Velma this year!”

7. “A therapy dog doing his job at the dentist”

8. “2 years ago today, I’d never even kissed a girl, today she said yes.”

9. “My grandma just lost her dog, so I surprised her with a visit from her great-grandpuppy.”

10. “My baby (1-year-old) and her great-great-grandmother (101), grandmother (59), great-grandmother (82), and mom (29).”

11. “My baby kissing her dad.”

12. “My dad had a heart transplant about 20 years ago. These pics show how happy he was after being sick for so long.”

13. “Pretending I’m okay is tough, but I’ll forever come back to these sweet moments. My boy loves walking in the autumn fog, just like Dad.”

14. “My brother-in-law made this for the local doggies and their favorite sticks.”

15. “She has officially fallen in love.”

What is the cutest photo you’ve ever taken? Do you feel moved whenever you look at it?

Preview photo credit jhenderson_90 / Reddit


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