16 Photos of Celebs Showing How Drastically They’ve Changed

6 years ago

Psychologists suggest that a style change is an effective way to feel more comfortable with yourself. And for celebrities it is also a way to keep us fans on our toes.

We at Bright Side admire our favorite celeb’s ability to “change skin” like they change the color of their lipstick, so let’s check out the most drastic and adorable style changes together.

Nicole Kidman

Kate Hudson

Demi Lovato

Katy Perry

Lady Gaga

Marilyn Manson

Brad Pitt

Kelly Osbourne

Miley Cyrus

Khloe Kardashian

Jared Leto

Nelly Furtado


Kristen Stewart

Lil’ Kim

Rose McGowan

Which one of these was your favourite change and which one do you think was a mistake? Be sure to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments below.


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