16 Stories About Coworkers Whose Working Days Are a Never-Ending Adventure

3 months ago

There are many things at work that can test our patience. But a special place is occupied by coworkers, as one should be paid extra for working with some of them. And it’s a good thing that the heroes of this article found a way to let off steam by sharing their stories online.

  • I had been covering a coworker’s responsibility on a project for about a month because he “didn’t have time” to learn the task up until that point. I finally pressure him to schedule some time to learn it with me, and he says, “Well, why can’t you keep doing it?” © SenorSerio / Reddit
  • I applied for a job once, had an interview. While waiting for the result, I told everyone at my current job where I was going to work. I got a new job, started working there. And after a couple of weeks, my boss told me that one of my former colleagues sent them a CV too, and they rejected him.
    So, he called them and started demanding an explanation, like why I was hired, and they didn’t even want to talk to him. There were reasons, by the way. And I would never have thought that this man was like this. I made my conclusions. © deadlydd / Pikabu
  • When I was working at my local community center, one of my bosses would literally put his feet on the counter, clip his toenails and file his bunions while people were trying to talk to him. We received dozens of complaints, but the guy received no repercussions. He kept this up for 4 damn years. © jumbalayajenkins / Reddit
  • Worked with a guy who was really good at the job, but everyone complained about him, and I could not figure out why. Until I changed shifts and was around him more often. Anytime an attractive woman walked within eyesight, he’d stop and say something mean. Usually at full volume, too. Just awful to be around. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • A colleague brought a cake to work. It was delicious, and almost all of us took the recipe from her. Many of us tried to bake it at home, but it turned out gross. We went over to see if she’d missed some ingredient.
    And this lady said, laughing, “Did you seriously think that I will tell you all the real recipe of my cake? Of course, I made up that recipe on the go. This will be a lesson to you all not to demand recipes from skillful cooks.”
    Worth noting that this colleague didn’t last long at that job — she resigned herself. © Aida Javakhyan
  • There was a girl from another department who interrupted our conversation about how to cook fruit just to say that fruit can’t be cooked, it is eaten only raw, and we were joking about it on purpose. When I said that I often bake quince with cinnamon, she took offense and declared that there was no fruit like that, that we made it up, and proudly walked away. © OldRaven999 / Pikabu
  • The day a coworker got fired, she texted the manager that she needed to come in late. And leave early. And she wanted her old shift back (she’d been switched to a later time because she was constantly calling off or coming in late). Also, she needed a raise.
    We found out that she had been posting bad things about employees and the business on Facebook. Where she was friends with half of the staff at a forementioned business. © Throwitaway9009y / Reddit
  • I had a coworker that was a 21-year-old man. His mother was our manager. Every day around lunch he would shout, “Mom, I’m hungry. Go fix my lunch” regardless of whether she was busy with a customer. She would heat up his lunch and set it out for him.
    We ate lunch at a table on the sales floor (furniture store) and after he finished eating he would leave his mess there until his mom cleaned it up. One day, when his mom had the day off, his lunch mess stayed there all day. © Poopy__McGee / Reddit
  • Worked in a convenience store. They hired a sales assistant who worked only one day. The manager didn’t like that the revenue was very low during her shift. She was fired.
    A couple of days later, the jars of pickled vegetables started to get cloudy. When we took them off the shelves, it became clear that this girl was opening the jars, taking out one cucumber or tomato at a time, eating it and putting it back on the shelf. © Natalia Zaichenko
  • We hired this girl. She was completely bald. Well, one of my other coworkers took the plunge and asked.
    Her answer? “I woke up one day with a bad hair day and said that I make as much money as my husband, I shouldn’t have to deal with this.” And shaved it off herself. © Rysilk / Reddit
  • Our company hired a guy. Well, he was sitting at his computer in the corner by a filing cabinet, seemingly doing something... Suddenly in total silence we hear snoring. And this happened many times. Of course, he didn’t pass his probationary period.
    After some time we looked into the cabinet, next to which this guy was sitting, and found a stack of chocolates and a bag of old Christmas tree toys, although it wasn’t even winter. © irochkasoloveva / Dzen
  • My first day on the job, I was introduced to this guy that would be my main coworker on projects. He insisted that I needed a stapler and would not stop looking around the office until he found one.
    I’m a designer. My work is all digital. I do not need a stapler. It was that first hour of my first day that I knew this weirdo would be the reason I would eventually find another job. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I promised to go to the concert with my son, so I asked for a day-off at work, but I didn’t tell any of my coworkers about it. And when someone was filming the concert, my face got into the frame. As my boss said later, 3 people sent him the video and wrote that he should be aware of how I spend my working hours. © Overheard / Ideer
  • My coworker has run out of his instant coffee. He comes up to me with his empty can and mug and asks for mine. I take my jar out of my drawer unit. He pours coffee into his mug and then into his can as well, “for future use,” so to speak. © A Spoonful of Tar / Dzen
  • I work with a girl who consistently doesn’t have pads during her period, so she asks her colleagues for them. The other day, she asked me. I started looking, and she said, “Only I need a medium size, because they gave me a big one last time, and it was very uncomfortable, I didn’t like it.”
    What? Am I a supermarket? Take what you’re given and don’t show off. © Overheard by girls / VK
  • The girl was on probation for the position of a secretary. I remember her for doing something really interesting. She used to put already used sheets of paper into the printer, tried to print something on them and, judging by her shouts, didn’t succeed.
    Turns out she created a blank document in MS Word and sent it to print — she thought the used sheets would turn white again... She didn’t pass her probation. © Yuri Emelyanov / Dzen

And here’s another bunch of stories about coworkers who proved the office is the real drama.

Preview photo credit Natalia Zaichenko


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