There’s something refreshing about transformation: weight loss or gain, a house renovation, or a makeover. Our theory is that modifications make us embrace change, give us hope for tomorrow, and remind us there is always a way to reinvent ourselves. Let us take you on a tour of these amazing transformations and see how feasible it is to turn things around.
The Bright Side team went on a quest to find the most jaw-dropping transformation for you to enjoy.
1. Transformation Tuesday
3. “Before and after cleaning 30 years of shows from a dimmer rack.”
4. “29 lbs gained after dieting too hard, I’m finally at a healthy happy weight.”
5. “Power washed 20 years of dirt and grime from the deck.”
6. “I decided to get rid of the beard and the hair.”
7. “This transformation is so satisfying.”
8. “I restored this Powkiddy V90 — handheld retro console.”
9. Leaving a toxic job is a different type of glow-up.
10. “First pic February 21, second pic October 23.”
11. Who said that pets can’t glow up?
12. “Same dad, same boy, just one birthday later”
13. “My sister and I had some awkward middle school years.”
14. “Before and after dental veneers, weight loss, and self-care! (3 months)”
15. “I’ve been growing my hair out for 3 years.”
16. “My Maya cosplay transformation.”
How often do you think one should do a makeover? What was your favorite transformation?