Easy answer is because you were silly and didn't realise that it would be easier to just draw on yourself and then when it fades you can doodle something else instead. Tastes change as you get older. I always told my kids to use markers to draw stuff on themselves and then they are easy to replace with something else. Unfortunately my youngest got a huge tattoo of a rose on her chest. She has since changed her mind about it but can't afford to get it removed and told me she regrets not just using markers as I suggested
17 Families Who Don’t Know What Boredom Is
Every family has a couple of funny stories that happened between them and their close relatives, and these are houses where boredom is often a rare guest. The people from today’s compilation are lucky to have such family members, and their stories and photos can dispel the blues or a bad mood in seconds.
We at Bright Side want to increase the level of endorphins running through your body, so we’re in a hurry to show you the fun things these people shared with the rest of us online.

Really? I have tattoos, and instead of regretting them, I want more.


5. “My daughter backed into a light pole, promptly got out of the vehicle, and fled the scene.”

8. When you toss all of your toys out of the box but still can’t find the one you’re looking for:

11. When the dad is responsible for a creative dinner:

14. When you’re being responsible:
Share a funny story that happened with your family, we’d love to hear it!
Number 5 is all of use at least once in our lives ?
#7 is me ALL the time with my parents haha
My daughter "likes" to cook and number 17 reminded me of her dishes… at least they're good!
pretty sure guy from #10 finally cleaned his room after :D
#17 is amazing :D
I laughed so hard

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