30 Bright Side Readers Shared the Best (and Strangest) Stories of Their Pregnancy

Bright Side found 17 stories that you might experience only if you’re lucky enough.
4-year-old: Why do you go to work?
Me: They pay me a salary.
4-year-old: I don’t even like celery.
manwithoutwords / Twitter
I was hanging out in my friend’s garage, and his daughter came out from the house and told me that I looked just like her teacher. I responded, “Man, your teacher must be a very handsome guy!” She responded, “Well no, she’s pregnant, are you pregnant too?”
CodeBluePools / Reddit
Was startled awake by a toddler hovering an inch over my face. Oh, is she going for a kiss? Nope. “Mama, I want to eat your eyes.”
When I declined, she elaborated on her reasons, which included: they’re beautiful, I think they’d be goopy, and I bet they taste salty. Was then quite upset that I would not let her “have just a taste.”
InannasPocket / Reddit
A little girl (possibly between the ages of 5 and 8), when I informed her my service dog was working (I’m horrible at ages), she asked me what I meant. I told her that he informs me when I’m sick. “Oh, so he’s your dog-tor!”
maryjgilbert / Reddit
Kid: “Cows are mammals, and they make milk, right?”
Me: “Yes.”
Kid: “Ice cream is made from milk, right?”
Me: “Yup.”
Kid: “If walruses are mammals too, how come we don’t have walrus ice cream?”
_Thosearentpillows / Reddit
Had a young kiddo in my family ask me why my eyes were so big.
“I don’t know, those are just my eyes.”
She contemplates, then responds, “Well...you look like a bug.”
m100896 / Reddit
I was at a roller skating rink, I was 19 at the time.
Kid skates up to me and asks, “What’s that on your neck?”
“My Adam’s apple?” I respond, pointing to my Adam’s apple.
“It’s scary,” the kid says and skates away.
I stood in shock for a minute as I unlocked a new insecurity.
jcdevries92 / Reddit
Took a kitten to the vet. He was sitting in the loaf cat position with his feet tucked all up under him. A little girl comes up to me with a look of genuine concern. “Hello, excuse me, I’ve never had a cat, I just have a dog and I just wanted to know if you brought the cat to the vet because he doesn’t have any feet?”
I picked him up, and she saw his feet and was so relieved.
sensualsqueaky / Reddit
What was the funniest or weirdest thing a child has ever said to you? What peculiar things did you say when you were a child?