17 Stories That Prove Life With Pets Is Anything But Boring

3 months ago

Many people get pets to have a friend to hug on the sofa. But the furry ones have their plans, and sometimes they can make such a mess that any filmmaker would be jealous. The heroes of this article shared stories exactly like this.

  • Our cat has a very strict rule: no phones in bed. If she sees the phone glowing after turning the light off for the night, she will wedge herself between the screen and your face and refuse to move until you switch it off and put it away. © goodhonestirony / Reddit
  • Every dog has a way they communicating that they need to go outside. For my previous dog, a toy poodle, it was walking up to you and barking once. Well, one day we were all watching a movie when she walked into the room and barked. I get up to let her outside, but she just jumps up and lays on my chair. She made me get up so she could steal my seat. © DrCrucible / Reddit
  • Wife's friend was visiting, so we were seeing her off, saying goodbye on the doorstep with the doors already open. She went to the elevator, suddenly came back, and said, "Your red cat has escaped," and let him back in. We thank her for vigilance (the cat doesn't go outside) and close the door. The cat goes to the child's room as usual... After 5 seconds, 2 cats (real twins) jump out of there, and the chase around the house begins. Only 20 seconds later I remembered that we had only one cat. We stopped the fight that almost started and locked them in different rooms. The next day the twin was taken away by a neighbor from another entrance. © Driglu4it / Pikabu
  • One day, someone left a puppy by our door. And despite his small age, he was already knee-high in height. We put a collar on him, but we didn't have time to train him. So the little one ran off somewhere for the entire day. In the evening he came home and there was a note in his collar, "You don't need to feed him. He's already eaten our slippers. Your neighbors." © belousovavlada / Pikabu

"He decided he didn’t have enough places to lounge so he punched a hole in our brand-new chair. Thanks, Leroy!" © PANTyRAIDING / Reddit

  • I lost my cat one day. I could hear her meowing when I called her name, but she sounded muffled and far away. Finally, after checking behind or underneath everything, I decided to check up the chimney because you never know. There she was, neatly loafed on the narrow ledge partway up the chimney. We regularly had fires, it was covered in soot and so was she. I gave her a bath. She didn’t talk to me for almost a week! © Lunar_Raccoon / Reddit
  • We recently moved into a new flat. There was no air conditioning, and the cat was used to the coolness in summer. So, I decided to help him (I waved an album at his face to make a breeze). And the cat is a British Shorthair (a breed with more hair than their weight). It's night. I'm asleep. And I feel someone climbing on me and pulling something. And I see this: the cat, breathing like a dog, with his tongue out, drags that album with his teeth, like saying, "Wave at me." So, I had to sit up and wave at him at 3 a.m. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I left a turkey fillet on the table to thaw overnight. My cat is an intelligent creature, I was confident and calm. The next morning I found the thawed turkey exactly where I had left it, but... there was almost nothing left of the arugula that I had left nearby to dry. The cat looked at me with perfectly honest and unusually bright green eyes and gave a hiccup from time to time. © ooWNWoo / Pikabu
  • My dog is obsessed with my underwear and always pulls them out of the laundry basket. Last winter, we had a bunch of snow that didn't melt for a couple of weeks, and when it finally melted, what did I find? 3 pairs of my underwear, chilling in the backyard for everyone to see. © starsinursa / Reddit

"Houdini managed to eat a tray of meatballs from the counter without tipping the tray or making a sound. Fortunately just plain not spicy or saucy." © Ok-Mine2132 / Reddit

  • My cat Dobby likes to sleep with me, preferably on my legs or snuggled up close to my face. He also happens to wake up before I do and tries to wake me up to let me know he has to be fed. Apparently, I had been sleeping with my mouth open and I woke up to Dobby, his whole front paw in my mouth and he's giving me the most evil of cat glares. I was 2 hours late for breakfast. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My boyfriend and I started noticing that money was disappearing from the table, nightstands, and pockets. He thinks of me, I think of him. We tried to make fun of it, but it was still weird. It's night, everyone is asleep, I hear a rustle, and I clearly understand that someone is doing something with my boyfriend's sports pants (they make a specific sound). I woke my boyfriend up. We went to see and... Our pug eats money! Eats it at night! © Overheard / Ideer
  • My Husky/Newfoundland mix is the smartest jerk I've ever met. When chewing something he knows he's not supposed to have, he'll place a proper toy over it, so when I catch him chewing on the wrong thing he'll casually switch to the toy like he was chewing it all along. He also decided he likes walking along the back of the couch like a cat, and even sleeping there, despite being about 70 pounds. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I woke up one morning. The first thing I saw was my cat staring at me. Then I noticed she was staring at me from the window ledge. Then I noticed a huge hole in the curtain that covered up my room and the world outside. She's staring at me through the big hole she created with that "What are you going to do about it?" look. © Mr_Brown_Pants / Reddit

"And so it begins..." © legally_blind_bandit / Reddit

  • When my cat was a kitten, she used to latch onto your ear and act like she was sucking milk. If you let her anywhere near your ear, she'd try. I wouldn't let her, so she started doing it when I was sleeping. I'd wake up to her sucking on my ear lobe and kneading my face. © blaiir- / Reddit
  • I was a cat sitter in England and lived in the owners' place. They said not to let the cat go to the balcony - he would run away. And the cat is valuable, with relatives in Buckingham Palace. He escaped through a crack in the window. 2 days passed, and he was nowhere to be seen. I nearly went gray. Finally told the owner about it, and was blown by her reply. She said, "He still managed to run away? Well, no worries, he does that a lot. He'll come back!" He did come back.
  • I wanted to train my cat to use the toilet. You've probably seen those videos of cats just jumping on the toilet and doing their business there. It's very convenient. Well, I just underestimated the difficulties I might encounter. When I thought my Leo was trained, I removed his litter box. And he left a "surprise" on my bed... I was like, "Leo, what's the toilet for?" Obviously, Leo was silent. © Ward 6 / VK
  • I woke up in the night to a dog whimpering under the bathtub. I was frightened, he was just whimpering and not coming out, his eyes were very very sad. I thought maybe he was vomiting and brought some water. I tried to lure him out for half an hour, then I woke up my husband. And you know what he did? He just moved the bathtub and, oh miracle, a cheerful dog ran out to me! Turns out the pooch's butt just got stuck there. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I come out of the house, a guy comes out next to me. He's carrying a big white cat in his arms, without a carrier or harness. Well, I'm walking next to him, then the cat, apparently not enjoying the charm of the noisy street, runs its claws into the guy's head and bites him, also on the head. The guy groaned and quietly said, "Have I ever hurt you? Why are you hurting me now?" The cat immediately calmed down... © Chamber 6 / VK

Some people never wanted to have pets, but they had to change their attitude once a whiskery fluffy appeared in their home. Here are some stories about it.


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