17 Times People Came Across Something Extremely Rare

4 years ago

We really have an obsession with rare things, they even make us think a bit irrational, studies show. And it’s not hard to understand this, because capturing a dead star, meeting the smallest frog ever, finding a super old coin, or seeing a unique sun reflection seems to be pretty exciting.

We at Bright Side scoured the web in search of pictures of some extraordinary things, just to share them with you.

1. “A cherry just grew alone in the middle of my tree.”

2. “I found a leopard dog in Thailand.”

3. This rainbow is a real reflection of the sun on this freshly-paved tarmac.

4. “The wick of my candle looks like a mushroom.”

5. “I photographed a dead star that ejected most of its mass as a colorful cloud of gas.”

6. This is not a flower, it’s a willow tree that’s been tricked into building a house for a small fly.

7. “So I was pulling up my carpet and found this old penny from 1917.”

8. “The sun’s reflection on my drinking glass creates Bart Simpson’s skull.”

9. This tree looks like copper.

10. The way this caterpillar ate this lilac leaf

11. “I opened a decade-old Play-Doh container to find that it had grown crystals.”

12. “The reflection gave my cat human feet.”

13. “My friend looks like the drawing on this colored pencil case.”

14. Trees growing on a tree

15. “I found the smallest frog I’ve ever seen, and it pooped on me.”

16. “Found this awesome Swedish krona from 1667 in my backyard.”

17. “This baby grasshopper army in my friend’s garden”

What was the most amazing thing you have ever seen?

Preview photo credit Unknown / Imgur


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Would anyone know the name of the tree shown in post no. 8? It's awesome...


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