17 True Stories About Friends That Sound Like a Script for a Soap Opera

9 months ago

It's so nice to know that on the hardest days, you can just text your best friend and chat about anything insignificant. But some friends can act in such a weird manner that this can leave you totally aghast. The heroes of our article believe in friendship, but know that even with friends not everything goes smoothly.

  • My friend's ex-boyfriend did terrible things to her. He hurt her, didn't appreciate her efforts, didn't love her, insulted her and in general didn't treat her as his beloved. And she loved him to bits. 2 weeks ago, she told me that she returned to him. Again!
    I couldn't stand it, I told her straight out, "Don't lie to yourself, Lisa, it's not fate that brought you two together! You're just gullible and forgive him everything!" Yes, this was rude, but my friend immediately left him and said that this time it was for good. I don't know if it's true or not. © Caramel / VK
  • A friend has been stealing my boyfriends all my life. Recently, I got into a relationship and hid this fact from her. A friend found out about the guy while we had a sleepover.
    And while I was sleeping, she found him on Instagram and started texting him. My boyfriend got mad and blocked her. And my friend decided to make 3 fake accounts to text him. He blocked her every time and told me about it.
    But the worst thing was that she came to my house and started making claims that she liked my boyfriend, that I should break up with him so he could be with someone better than me, meaning her. © N0t_That_GirlYk / Reddit
  • A friend of mine got a dog, and she trained the pet to bark at strangers. One day, some friends of the family paid them a visit. They hadn't been to their house in a while and hadn't seen the dog yet.
    The animal barked at everyone, but was nice with one woman. It turned out that the husband is cheating on my friend, brings this woman to their house, so the dog got used to that woman and doesn't bark at her. © Podslushano / VK
  • I had the best friend. One day, my girlfriend introduced him to her friend. She didn't seem like a very nice person to me - she was mean and rude. But my friend fell in love with her. They dated for a while, and then he called me and said, sobbing, that they'd broken up.
    He gave her a necklace that night, and she threw it back at him and told him to get out. I thought that was mean, and I said, "Look, man, I know you think that this girl is right for you, but she's not, and you will realize that when someone better comes along and treats you like a decent human."
    At first, he said I was right. But after that, he stopped answering my calls and texts. I texted him for 3 years on his birthday and Christmas just to wish him well, but he never replied. I heard he got married. If it is that girl, I guess she just won't let him talk to me. © MarbledCoffeecake / Reddit
  • I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure my once close friend stole my cat. She was visiting me, and when she left, I noticed my cat was missing too. I turned my house upside down, looked for him in the streets, placed posters everywhere, and my friend helped me with everything. She was so upset and even cried.
    But one day I went to visit her without warning and found a cat there that was exactly the same breed as mine and even looked like him. She denied it, said the cat was a gift from her boyfriend. But she had never told me about this cat and never posted his photos on social media. I didn't want to sound crazy and gave up, but I still think it was my cat. © Palata 6 / VK
  • A friend of mine while on maternity leave decided to provide manicure services at home. But she had no money for materials. She asked her friends to help her, and said that she would do a manicure to each of them. We agreed.
    Time passed, but only one of us got her nails done. We asked her about it, and she replied dumbfounded, "I meant that I'll make it to only one of you." We were shocked, of course. I don't mind the money, I just don't think it's nice.
  • My husband had a friend. I didn't talk to her much, but I tried to be polite. To be honest, their relationship always struck me as atypical. He looked so happy and inspired around her. He once persuaded me to get the same haircut as hers and to dye my hair the same color.
    My husband always ran to her whenever she called him, as if she was the priority, not me. At one point, I couldn't stand it any longer and asked him how he felt about her. He admitted he was in love with her. We had a fight, my husband called his friend to pick him up.
    When she arrived, I accused her of ruining our marriage. She took my husband to his parents and came back to me. It turned out she knew vaguely that my husband had feelings for her. She even got angry when she found out the details. My husband and I ended up divorcing, but I made a new friend. © ClownChowderPies / Reddit
  • I was on the bus with a friend, talking about our lives. At one of the stops, a good-looking guy entered the bus. I didn't care much, but my friend laid eyes on him.
    And she started taking poses in front of him: crossing her legs, sticking out her chest, and so on. But the guy didn't pay attention to her and just stared at his phone. Eventually, she said to me, "What's wrong with modern men?" And the guy replied, "Nothing. I already have a wife and a child!" © Caramel / VK
  • My friend invited me and my 4-year-old daughter to his home country and excitedly made plans with me for the 6 months leading up to it. I get there naturally expecting to hang out, but understanding that he has real life obligations (job, wife, etc). Long story short, we get zero time together.
    He came by where I was staying after not communicating with me all week and offered my last weekend away to go to a cabin in the mountains for a couple nights. I was really excited to spend some time with him. Anyway, we spent the night at the cabin after barely speaking the whole trip there, and the next morning he promptly kicked me out. He said he needed the time with his wife.
    There I was, stranded with my luggage and my daughter in a foreign country and not expecting any of this. He was so casual about it, “It just didn’t work out.” He was my best and closest friend. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why he did that. © siphoning_****s / Reddit
  • Once it happened that I needed money. I was planning to pay it back within 1–3 months, depending on the amount. And I had a good friend who I asked first because she always boasted her finances, bank accounts, traveling. And she always said that she earned this money herself. Moreover, she even told me who and how much she had lent, who had paid back, who had not.
    Eventually, when I asked her, she agreed, but after that blocked me everywhere, without explanation and goodbyes. And something tells me that she simply didn't want to reveal the truth about her real financial situation. Her pride didn't let her do that. © With a Hardened Heart / ADME
  • I met up with my friends on the weekend, we went to the mall, and after some shopping, went to the food court to eat and gossip. And then Mary told us that she and her husband had a serious conversation. The previous night, he told her everything he thinks about her.
    Shocked, we said, "So, what did you do? Did you throw him out? Or moved him to the sofa?" And Mary sighed sadly and replied, "No, I felt sorry for him, he has to live with a horrible woman." I also want to have such self-irony as Mary! © Palata 6 / VK
  • My best friend is 37 years old, and she's single. No kids, never been married. Self-sufficient and strong woman. She has a successful career, a nice car, she's well-groomed, goes to fitness and spa, always has expensive trips and branded clothes.
    She tells everyone around about how happy she is to be alone. That she has seen the husbands of her friends and doesn't want to suffer from cheating and other nasty things. But no one knows that she sometimes calls me in hysterics and screams into the phone that she can no longer live like that, that she's lonely. © Podslushano / VK
  • We had a get-together with friends. I got really tired and went to the other room to snooze. I have a sound sleep and don't feel anything.
    In the morning, I went to the bathroom and was horrified. My friends had painted my face with a permanent marker and wrote the name of the guy I liked. And they sent him these photos. I was angry at first. But then I saw that he texted me and asked me out. And my heart melted. © Caramel / VK
  • A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend because he cheated on her. She has recently decided to get back into dating, but she wanted the first date to be a double-date for her own comfort. They invited my husband and I. We met at a restaurant. My husband complimented her elegant dress.
    And the next morning, my friend texted me, "Tell your husband to stop complimenting other women. That’s how affairs start. I'm surprised you think that's normal." I said, "If you were hurt by his compliments, you should have told him." And she said, "Don't come crying to me when he cheats on you." © FrenchBread2023 / Reddit
  • A lot of people complain about being in the friendzone, but you know what sucks more? When a guy you considered to be a good friend reveals that they just wanna be intimate with you.
    I had a former friend from high school that I kept occasional touch with literally confessed his feelings to me despite knowing I am married. I told him I didn't appreciate him doing this and that it's been 10 years since we graduated and that was ample time for him to move on. He got pissed at me about how "he's always been there and has been a good friend, and how the least I could do was validate his feelings and hear him out."
    Honestly I don't feel the need to, I don't speak with him very often and every time he has come to vent to me or hit me up in the past I thought I was just being friendly. I feel like crap for just being nice to this guy, and it makes me not want to entertain the idea of making friends with men at times. Like this has literally happened before with another guy I was friends with, and honestly it's frustrating how little some men value genuine friends. © Sufficient-Parsnip92 / Reddit
  • A friend of mine met a guy. After a couple of days of their acquaintance, they decided to set me up with his friend.
    During the meeting, she liked "mine" better. So, they started an affair. After that day, she's never called me. Apparently, friendship has become unnecessary. © Podslushano / VK
  • My friend has a silly habit. She keeps asking the same thing over and over again. There are times when she asks about time and 2 minutes later she asks again. I thought it was because she was inattentive or concentrated on something else, but it turns out it's not about that.
    She and I have been friends for 2 years, and it was only yesterday that I found out she has poor hearing, which is why she asks everything twice. She said she's embarrassed about it, so she doesn't ask back immediately, but only after a few minutes, and tries to listen harder. © Palata 6 / VK

Our article has come to an end. But we're not saying goodbye, because we still have a lot of great stories to tell. Check out these kind stories.

Preview photo credit N0t_That_GirlYk / Reddit


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For the second one, it isn’t just a coincidence that she likes all of your boyfriends that you have had. She is jealous of you and is a fake friend. Chances are she doesn’t even like all of these boys, she has just been stealing them from you to spite you and make you angry.


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