The first photograph ever was taken by French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce way back in 1826. At the time, it took 8 hours to capture an image because of the long exposure needed, and the image got lost for 50 years before being rediscovered. Things have come a long way from then, but the emotional value of a great picture remains the same.
Bright Side compiled a collection of lucky shots taken by people with great reflexes who captured something cool, making an exciting memory in the process.
1. “My friends took this picture of their cat at the perfect moment.”
2. “I found a green bee today.”
3. “The floor is so shiny you can see the underside in detail.”
4. “Where is my dog’s body?”
5. “Took this picture of lightning hitting a building through a cloud this afternoon in South Africa.”
6. “This attack duck trying to eat my camera”
7. “This reflection of a poster in the Stuttgart airport makes the woman look cross-eyed.”
9. “I tried to take a photo of my mom’s eye with my macro lens but it focused on me instead.”
10. “The color palette on this centipede I found yesterday”
11. “I took this photo of my wife and baby, and it’s just an odd wrist angle.”
12. Two’s company but three’s a crowd.
13. “Snapped this cool picture of a lone cloud releasing a tremendous amount of rain.”
14. “Took a picture of this wasp on my mirror, and he was waving at me!”
15. “Sun’s reflection on my drinking glass creates Bart Simpson’s skull.”
16. “My friend holding an ice circle over the sun”
17. “Technically it’s just a spare bone but it looks like I have a spare ankle.”
18. “This ultrasound photo of my son letting us know he’s OK”
What is one amazing picture that you were able to capture? What do you remember most about the incident?