No.4. I see Maine and I think Stephen King. Could that be the train that helped inspire the train in the book The Talisman? Far fetched,I know but......??? I would love to think so!!
18 Pictures That Prove Nature Always Finds a Way to Claim Back What’s Hers
You can find vestiges of houses, planes, boats, and facilities all over the world. They were once used and probably extremely important, but either something new was invented or they were simply abandoned, leaving nature to find a chance to claim back what was rightfully hers. In a Reddit thread, users shared pictures of times when they stumbled upon some of these modern ruins to see how nature turned them into just another part of the landscape.
Bright Side browsed through the thread and selected some of the most impressive pictures to make this compilation. We hope you’ll be just as impressed as we were by the power of nature!
1. “An abandoned roller coaster being taken over by nature”
2. “The Roosevelt Gold Mine in Ohio City, Colorado, abandoned in 1919”
3. “An abandoned hard hat reclaimed by goose barnacles”
4. “Took a hike to the ghost trains out in the Maine woods.”
5. “An abandoned cottage in England”
6. “An abandoned reservoir hidden in the woods built during WWII as a part of a larger temporary military complex”
7. “Visited this 50-year-old desert ghost town outside Dubai this week. Pretty rad development, and lots of buildings to explore. Only accessible through off-roading over sand dunes. We did it in a Ford Explorer. Pretty fun.”
8. “An abandoned church in rural Virginia — happy Sunday, y’all!”
9. “An old bunker in Norway”
10. “I found an abandoned forest on an abandoned roof in an abandoned villa in Italy.”
11. “Rosie’s Diner, home of many Brawny Paper Towel commercials and featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives”
12. “Anyone up for some mini-golf? This is an abandoned course behind Rosie’s Diner in Michigan.”
13. “’Don’t play with me,’ a.k.a. an abandoned piano becomes a part of the scenery in Uzupis in Vilnius.”
14. “An abandoned iron forge in Kentucky”
15. “An abandoned ship in Belgium”
16. “An abandoned mobile station over a cemetery with medkits and electrical engineering stuff”
17. “An abandoned hydroelectric plant in Waga River, Japan”
18. “Found the sheriff’s house.”
What abandoned places around the world would you like to visit? Have you witnessed nature taking over in any of these places?
Wow, No 6. is looking stunning if you ask me.. that's some good photography!
These pictures are actually crazy... some are actually beautiful to look at like 6 or 11
It would be so spooky to live at number 10 ? I couldn't handle going there

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