18 Stories About Rich People Who Seem to Live in a Different Universe

7 months ago

They say that rich people live in their own world. And while we can laugh at the advice to eat cakes when there is no bread, someone actually recommends buying a house and renting it out in a difficult financial situation.

  • I worked in a fancy restaurant with very rich guests. It was my shift, I was tired, my nerves were on edge. All the guests that day were rude and insolent for some reason. And here came one man.
    He was rude, ordered only the cheapest dishes, told me to be quick and started teaching me how to work. The cherry on the cake was when I came to take away his plate with the food he hadn’t finished, and he said, “You can finish it. You eat food after us, don’t you?” So I just blurted out, “Actually, you eat after us.”
    The look on his face at that moment was priceless. But I got fired. © anekdotov.net
  • Several years ago, I worked at a retail store that sold a lot of different items. I was on the cashier one Friday afternoon when 3 young women walked in decked out in luxury brands. They bought a suitcase and several other random items that totaled almost $400. Once I announced the total price, one of them pulled out 4 Benjamins like she was pulling out issues and handed them to me without looking.
    I asked if they were going on a trip. One of them answered, “No, we got sick of carrying our stuff.” I mean, I get tired carrying stuff too. But damn, to buy a whole suitcase and more just because they were tired was crazy to see. © JustAnotherParticle / Reddit
  • I work for a startup based out of San Francisco. I’m a remote employee halfway across the country, and am therefore a sort of “second class citizen.” My direct peers who work in SF make at least double what I do, and they almost all had extremely privileged upbringings. They went to top 10 business schools, they “summer” in Tahoe, that kind of thing.
    I was in the home office a few months ago for our annual kickoff meeting, and one of the speakers polled the room, “Has anyone here worked at Amazon?” (nobody raised their hand) “Wow, I’m surprised.” I said, “Does warehouse count?” And the entire room erupted in laughter. For certainly, I’d just told a very enjoyable joke. © Conscious_Raisin_436 / Reddit
  • Back when I was in my early twenties, my beat up old car broke down in my job’s parking lot when I was about to drive home. I was getting paid $10 an hour as a pastry chef at a catering company. This was barely enough to cover my rent.
    I was obviously pretty distraught over my car dying. My boss (company owner) ended up saying to me, “Why are you so upset? It’s just a car! Just buy another one!” I couldn’t even respond, I just looked at her like she was crazy. © Princess_Coldheart / Reddit
  • I used to travel for a glamping company (glamour camping) where we would set up huge canvas tents for fancy weddings and parties. We woke up real early one morning to a bunch of calls from some rich LA socialite about how the tents were wet — no other explanation. We rushed over, and it turns out she had no idea what the concept of condensation in the morning was. I can’t control nature, sorry lady, you’re not getting your deposit back. © iast68 / Reddit
  • The 12-year-old son of one of my clients literally expressed confusion to me when I asked them where I could get more paper towels from when they ran out in the washroom of his parents’ however many-million-dollar yacht. He said something like, “It’s always there, what do you mean?”
    He was so disconnected from the process of I guess cleaning and restocking that he just thought that stuff would always be there and never run out. The look of genuine confusion on his face was just something else. © PumpkinSpicedBimb0 / Reddit
  • I went to the school for the children of well-off parents. I wasn’t well-off myself, but I was friends with this girl. She always had a lot of pocket money, and she would buy herself a lot of goodies. And I didn’t buy anything because I didn’t have any money, so I told her I didn’t want to.
    One day she bought herself all sorts of snacks again, almost finished them and put aside a glass of strawberry smoothie. Said she didn’t want to finish it and would throw it away. I asked her if I could have it. She handed it to me, but said, “Can’t believe you’re gonna drink it after someone else.” It was very unpleasant to hear. © Angelica / ADME
  • At one time I was working with a wealthy businessman. He was not a billionaire, but he had his own helicopter and a house in the Canaries. I was impressed by his grumbling about the high cost of children’s clothes in boutiques. The same ones where some of my less well-off acquaintances shopped under the motto “we may not have a house, but we must buy the best for our children.” © Anxiety Cake / ADME
  • I had a very interesting boss at my first job. A fabulously rich dude. Despite this, he rarely slacked off, came to the office almost every day and worked 8 hours and sometimes even stayed overnight. We got to talking to him one day, and he told me that he had a hobby.
    He wrote to random people on the Internet and asked, “Do you want a million bucks?” He said that in 5 years, no one had ever believed him and agreed to get it. And I’ve been shuddering for a long time when I got messages from him. He never offered me money, though, he just sent stupid memes. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I saw a man that had a net worth of close to a billion dollars had a Christmas party for his employees. After he got through eating, he asked for people at the table he was sitting at for the food they didn’t eat. He put it in to-go boxes and took it with him. Said he and his wife would not have to cook for the next week. © Ray Rossberg / Quora
  • My friend was on a working trip around the world and got a job in a very high-end cafe in Dubai. She served a customer who had been shopping and had lots of shopping bags round her feet. She asked the customer if she would like her to store them in the cloakroom for her to which the customer replied, “Oh you can have them all. I can’t be bothered to carry them home.” After making sure she wasn’t joking, she stored the bags till after her shift ended.
    The next day she put in her best outfit and set off from the backpackers she was staying at and returned as many items to the stores as she could. She collected 25K in cash and another 4K in very posh credit notes. She had 2 items that she couldn’t return and still has them 15 years later. © Toe_Detective / Reddit
  • I once had a rich coworker find out I was pretty broke. I was working at a very fancy retreat as a student, so was surrounded by rich people working for fun. He told me to “just buy a 3-bedroom house, live in one of the rooms and rent out the other 2.” © lavenderacid / Reddit
  • I drove L.I.M.O. at Marquette University during undergrad and grad school. Some of the students that went there were obscenely wealthy. Limos are the vans that drive students anywhere on campus and a few blocks outside of campus.
    So, once a guy leaves his wallet on a van and another driver calls it in so me and another supervisor can take it to campus police. We pick up the wallet from the driver and open it to get the student ID so they know who to email. There had to be a few grand in there, and when we called the kid to tell him about it, he told us we could just keep it because it was too far from his dorm to bother picking up. © prailock / Reddit
  • My friend told me he drove someone in an Uber from a private airport to a gigantic house in town. During the trip, she told him she had never been to a grocery store or basically any other department store. © zbubblez / Reddit
  • A guy I sometimes work for, bought a nice house in a pretty nice area of the French Riviera (Mougins). He didn’t even visit it before buying, and just judged he liked it on pictures. He paid 11 million euros for it. But when he arrived, he thought the view wasn’t perfect because of another house that was on the way.
    So he sent his lawyer there to make an offer to the owners (4 million euros). But they declined. So he doubled the offer, and they declined again. So he doubled again, and this time they accepted to sell. He had that house destroyed the very day he got the keys, and had an underground parking built instead, for the cars he “won’t be using much here.”
    So basically the guy paid that distant house more than the one he’s planning to spend his summers in, just to have it disappear because it kinda annoyed him. And when he told me the story, he was laughing the whole time. © captain_obvious_here / Reddit
  • I once wanted to gift a friend a gig ticket. She was a young mum at the time, and she didn’t have any spare cash to spend on herself or to go out and do anything fun. She was very hesitant to take it, and it was 100% my idea.
    My other friend who was in her thirties at the time, “I think she’s manipulating you, I just don’t believe she can’t afford a ticket! I mean, there’s always money!” This woman had never lived away from her parents and was from a relatively wealthy background. She also said, “People who haven’t got money really only have themselves to blame for not managing their finances better.”
    Had to have a chat with her about how not everyone comes from the same background and some people go to bed hungry daily. © ThinkFish5023 / Reddit
  • I work in a private school. One day I walk into the classroom and there are a bunch of sympathetic seventh-graders calming down a hysterical friend who was crying and shouting about her parents, “I don’t understand, is it hard for them to buy me a new horse?” And 2 days later she boasted that she had blackmailed her parents into giving up horse riding, so they bought her a horse, and they would go to Dubai on holiday to pick it up. © LlamaDelGrey / Pikabu
  • About 12 years ago, my coworkers and I were designing a house for a very rich person. The house was supposed to be a huge castle in medieval style, every room in a boiserie. He and his wife are fans of small dogs. They had more than 5 of them, I can’t say the exact number.
    But one thing I remember. How I had to keep my face straight when they asked to include a walk-in and baggage room for the dogs in the house plan. Those were in addition to a separate playroom and feeding room. © Vlada Kosinska

And here’s another bunch of stories about rich people. Check them out.


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