18 Tattoos That Hide a Very Personal Story

4 months ago

Not all people want to have a tattoo of a beautiful landscape, flower or butterfly. They get a tattoo to honor an important or emotionally intense event in life. While others try to get something covered in this creative way.

“My grandma says as a kid she was forced to get this tattoo.”

  • My grandmother had one very similar (she was born in India), she had told me it was put there when she was very young. When I asked what it meant, she said she didn't know. In reality, she just probably didn't want to tell us it was related to the caste system. © PapaBearsLittle / Reddit

“Portrait of my fuzzy soulmate”

"Digital Angel holding the audio file of my wife saying, 'I love you.'"

“Yes, I use it!”

“Memorial tattoo for my brother”

“Me trying to beautify the scar”

“4 star bursts for my 4 miscarriages”

Brother and sister pair tattoos

“Portrait of my son”

“My dad left a goodbye note before he passed.”

"Final entry into my mom’s last gratitude journal, 'All I have to do is read & sew.'"

"I can report that she happily read and sewed all the way to the end."

In memory of my friend

“My adult kids’ birth years. This is one of my tribute to my son who passed in 2023, and my daughter who was very close to him and always my little girl.”

“My Grandma’s senior photo”

“I decided to get a tattoo of my pitbull on my arm when he passed away.”

“Tattooed the moment I felt he became a big brother.”

“Micro pet portraits of my kitties”

“Love letter to my 5 children. Each gem is their birth stones and the molecule is oxytocin — the love and bonding molecule.”

And check out these realistic 3D tattoos. Would you dare to get one of these?

Preview photo credit SustainEuphoria / Reddit


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