People choose certain tattoos for different reasons. Some get beautiful and impressive pictures while others like meaningful images. This article is about the latter: they got their tattoos in honor of their pets, children, and family members.
Bright Side is touched by these tattoos with deep meanings. We want you to have a look at them and get inspired too.
A grandpa got a cochlear implant tattoo to become more like his grandson.
In memory of work for an ambulance service
“I got a tattoo of my dad’s laugh on my arm. He passed 3 years ago. I have his smile and joy wherever I go now.”
A tattoo depicting a pet with its unique feature
“My dad passed away this weekend so I got his tattoo in memory of him.”
“After a year and a half of fighting in court, I just won custody of my 2 boys. So I got them each to say, ’Daddy, I love you’ for my first tattoo.”
“Finally got the tattoo I’ve always wanted!”
“My stepdad committed suicide and I got this tattoo in memory of him.”
“I used to hate my legs, but I’m slowly falling in love with them.”
“My dad retired from tattooing 5 years ago because his hands started to shake. For Father’s Day, I asked his old tattoo buddy if we could use his studio for my dad to give me a tattoo. He agreed and I gave my dad free range.”
“My mom and I got ’Guess How Much I Love You?’ tattoos.”
“For my 10-year anniversary of bartending”
“I was born and adopted from China.”
After her son passed away, this lady got an image of the writing from a card he’d written for her tattooed on her forearm.
“Here’s a tattoo of my own brain CT scan. I survived a fatal brain infection.”
“Dedicated to my brother”
Do you have tattoos? What do they mean?
Please note: This article was updated in March 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.