20+ Conversation Openers That Are Guaranteed to Get You a Response on Dating Apps

Dating apps might sound like hard work, but around 42% of people in them have had a serious relationship with someone they met there. Around 82% have also been ghosted by at least one person, and 44% have ghosted someone themselves. These percentages show that the dating pool inside apps can be both successful and disappointing. Learning a few good conversation openers might tilt the scale toward the victorious side.

1. Try to be funny.

Humor is the best way to break the ice between you and a total stranger and is guaranteed to get you an answer. However, your jokes or funny comments have to be smart. Here are some lines you can use:

  • Do you like bad girls? Because I’m really bad at this dating app thing.
  • You didn’t need to put a dog in your photo to make me swipe right.
  • What’s the worst opening line you’ve ever heard? Please tell me it’s not this one.
  • If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would buy me?
  • Should toilet paper be over the top or under the roll?
  • Before we get to know each other, I just need to put it out there that I will kill all the spiders for you.

2. Give a smart compliment.

Many people are afraid to give honest and genuine compliments, fearing that they will never hear back from their love interest. That’s why they resort to either cheap or very basic compliments. It’s okay for you to be vulnerable and show that you are not afraid to speak your mind.

  • Your smile is gorgeous. I bet the rest of you is too.
  • You’re so hot it’s hard to even spell helo.
  • My battery is running low, but I’m using it to message you. That’s how attractive you are.
  • My dog would love you. And he has great taste.
  • You look like someone I could take home to my mom and whisk away for a romantic weekend.
  • You seem so genuinely sweet and nice, I couldn’t resist saying hello.

3. Be clever.

Being clever isn’t the same as being funny, although the 2 attributes can be combined. A clever comment means you come up with a phrase that will make the other person answer you quicker than they can swipe left.

  • I want to be the reason you delete this app.
  • My biggest turnoffs are cheaters, liars, and people who clap when the plane lands.
  • I have no idea what pickup line to use on someone who must get as many matches as you do.
  • Tell me about the worst first date you’ve ever been on. That way, I’ll be less nervous when we go on ours.
  • I hope you like cheesy pickup lines because a bunch are coming your way.
  • I know you’re a total stranger now, but that won’t last long.

4. Ask a question.

Yes, “How are you?” is a question, but not one that will get you an answer. You can think of a silly or relatable question to ask and get the ball rolling.

  • If you could only have one condiment forever, what would it be?
  • Pineapple on a pizza: yes or no?
  • Why did you swipe right? Because of my pics or my sparkling personality?
  • Be honest with me. What color socks are you wearing right now?
  • What’s your favorite restaurant in your area? Maybe you can take me there someday.
  • Based on my dating app profile, can you sum me up in 3 words?

5. Study their pictures and find something in them to talk about.

When you match with someone on a dating app, the only information you have about them is their photos and interests. So, lean on them and try to find something that will intrigue them and get you a response.

  • Your pet is the cutest. Tell me about them.
  • I love your tattoos! How many do you have?
  • By the way, that first smiling pic knocked my socks off. You seem fun to be around!
  • You’re a real foodie. If we were to go out for dinner, where would we go?
  • You surf? I’ve always wanted to learn!
  • I love that picture of you on the beach — I wish I were there.

6. Be confident and show honesty.

The dating pool can often be crowded, and those you match with might have multiple daily messages. An excellent way to stand out and make a good impression is to be confident and say exactly what you feel. This way, you will know if the other person is a good match for you, too.

  • This app says we’re 93% compatible. I’d like to test that out in real life.
  • I’m new to this dating scene, and to be honest, it kind of scares me.
  • Can an awkward Tinder conversation end in true love? We’re about to find out.
  • I’m free Friday if you want to skip the awkward online convos and take me out for a coffee.
  • Are you interested in lowering your standards and going on a date with me?
  • I suck at starting conversations online. I’m much better at talking in person.

Are you or have you ever been on a dating app, and if yes, what has been the smartest or funniest conversation opener anyone ever sent you? How did things progress between the 2 of you?


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