20 Ordinary Things That You’ve Probably Never Seen This Way Before

4 years ago

Even familiar objects that we come across every day can manifest themselves and reveal an unusual side. But out of the ordinary objects are a totally different matter — they’re twice as interesting to look at. Not everyone can brag about seeing one million dollars cash or all the currencies from around the world in one place. But the people featured in our article were lucky enough to see these wonders with their own eyes.

At Bright Side, we love to look at ordinary objects from unexpected angles and learn about their new qualities. One way or another, we all recognize the 20 objects from our selection, but you’ve definitely never seen them this way before. And in the bonus section, you’ll find an unbelievable ghost exposure.

What sand looks like under a microscope

“Roof snow becomes a wave”

“The lights under the snow”

“This is a picture of my grandmother with 1 million dollars. She worked for City Federal Savings Bank. Getty Images now owns the picture.”

This is the Bible in Braille.

“Our wedding bands are laser-engraved with each other’s fingerprints.”

“A friend of mine has red toilet paper.”

“I have banknotes from every country in the world.”

“This baby tangerine was hiding in a bigger tangerine.”

“The outline of my jeans in a dusty piece of cardboard I sat on”

This is a baby flamingo.

“The vinyl pyramid that store fruit sits on”

This Lego model of a firefighter

A diamond-coated endodontic tip

“This little transparent butterfly landed on me in the Ecuadorian Amazon.”

“This is what the tip of a pencil looks like when sharpened by an electric pencil sharpener.”

This dishwasher projects a timer onto the floor.

“A $100 stack of new, uncirculated 1-dollar-bills next to a $100 stack of used, circulated 1-dollar-bills”

Bonus: “This is what being attacked by a ghost looks like.”

Have you had the chance to see ordinary things in a new light? Share your finds in the comments below.

Please note: This article was updated in January 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Unsplash, Shutterstock.com


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