20+ People Who Won’t Go Unnoticed Thanks to Their Gifts From Nature

3 years ago

In nature nothing is the same and sometimes it’s much more difficult to not stand out among other people, than to try to emphasize your own individuality. This is especially true for people who were born with a unique trait.

However, we at Bright Side believe that people shouldn’t hide their unique features. On the contrary, we should be proud of them, just like the people from our compilation.

“Use that self-love you’ve gathered for yourself and paint your life canvas with bright colors. It’ll show how unique you are, because it’s true.”

“After corneal surgery, stitches are still visible in my eye.”

“My pointer fingers are missing their topmost joints. That’s why I can only bend them at a right angle.”

When you use your special feature to its fullest:

“They call it vitiligo, I call it art.”

“I have a patch of vitiligo in my hair at the back of my head, right in the middle, so my braids look like this.”

“It appeared when I was 16 and I hated it so much at first, but now I love it.” © iregretthemilk / Reddit

This girl didn’t become ashamed of her protruding ears, but she made them her main feature and successfully works as a model now.

“I have elf ears.”

“I’ve looked like this since the age of 10. It’s never bothered me and it never will.”

“I’m 18, and I have Oculocutaneous albinism. It makes it really hard to communicate with people. I decided to share a picture of myself. What do you think?”

“I’ve never seen eyes like mine before.”

“How about this?”

Dermatographic urticaria is a disease that allows you to draw on your skin like on paper.

This girl’s motto seems to be, “No eyebrows — no problem.”

Although eyebrows are great too.

Half gray, half brown eyes

“If you’re looking to grow, plant a garden with seeds that hold strength, endurance, and empowerment as opposed to designing a grave out of judgment.”

When a radiant smile is one of your trump cards:

“At first, it was just a dot on my left hand, then it exploded out in high school. I’ve got marks like this on every part of my body.”

“People often talk about me as if I’m a sick person. And this makes me very sad, because I’m completely healthy, and what you see is just a mole.”

“I have 2 absolutely symmetrical moles.”

Unusual moles always look cool.

“I used to hate the increased attention on me. But now, I know I’m lucky.”

Perhaps, this is what the perfect icy beauty looks like.

What interesting features do you have? Are you ready to upload a couple of your photos in the comments?

Preview photo credit shelby1663 / reddit


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One thing that makes me "jealous" is how all of those people have reached self love and self-esteem in that level of loving everything about them :)


I've spend way to much time trying to bend my finger like this guy ?


The girl in the red clothes with Oculocutaneous albinism doesn't seem different to me?


I have a blue eye and a green eye and I also have vitiligo resulting in a large white patch on my neck that I am super self conscious about. When I was in fourth or fifth grade I had a teacher pull me up to the front of the class, turn my face to the side and say "I can wax my floor with as much makeup as you have on! Go wash it off!" The worst part was is that I wasn't wearing makeup, it was just that I didn't have any color in that part of my face and neck. After washing my face and scrubbing it really hard, turning the rest of my face red, she turned red realizing that she made a mistake but she did not apologize. That has happened throughout my life but not that dramatic thankfully. It's usually just people pointing and laughing at me because "apparently she doesn't know how to apply makeup". So now I make sure that I cover it up well. No self-love in that area. It's not as beautiful as these people's vitiligo. ❤️

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